
Synchornization and asynchronous operations utilities in golang

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Synchornization and asynchronous operations utilities in golang


Thread-safe queue implementation

type Queue interface {
	PushBack(el interface{})
	PushFront(el interface{})

	// PopBack removes an element from the back of the queue. Returns nil if queue is empty
	PopBack() interface{}

	// PopFront removes an element from the head of the queue. Returns nil if queue is empty
	PopFront() interface{}

	// Get returns an element in position "pos" or nil if "pos" is out of bounds
	Get(pos int) interface{}

	Size() int


Event synchronizes goroutines with a set-reset flag style

type EventWaiter interface {
	// Wait waits this flag to be set

	// WaitTimeout waits this flag to be set or timeout
	WaitTimeout(d time.Duration)

// Event synchronizes goroutines with a set-reset flag style
type Event interface {

	// IsSet returns true if set has been called
	IsSet() bool

	// Set sets the flag to true and awake pending goroutines

	// SetOne sets the flag to true and awake only one pending goroutines

	// Reset resets this flag


Asynchronous function execution

type Executor interface {
	// Start starts the executor
	Start() error

	// Stop stops the executor and all the pending jobs
	Stop() error

	// PostJob enqueue a job
	PostJob(job JobFn) error

	// Collect executes all jobs posted and return the results in order
	// if an error happens, the resulting slice will contain less elements than jobs
	// please check ErrorChan
	Collect(jobs ...JobWithResultFn) ([]interface{}, error)

	// CollectChan same as Collect but return a channel with the results
	CollectChan(jobs ...JobWithResultFn) <-chan interface{}

	// ErrorChan registers an error emitting channel
	ErrorChan(ch chan error)

	// Len size of the pending queue
	Len() int


Collect results

Collect and CollectChan keeps the order of the results (Similar to Promise.all in js)

// One worker (goroutine)
exc, err := NewDefaultExecutor(1)

defer exc.Stop()

job1 := func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
    <-time.After(500 * time.Millisecond)
    return 1, nil
job2 := func(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
    return 2, nil

results, err := exc.Collect(job1, job2)
assert.Equal(2, len(results))
assert.Equal(1, results[0])
assert.Equal(2, results[1])


// Two workers (goroutines)
exc, err := NewDefaultExecutor(2)

defer exc.Stop()

results := make(chan int, 2)
exc.PostJob(func(ctx context.Context) error {
    <-time.After(500 * time.Millisecond)
    results <- 2
    return nil

exc.PostJob(func(ctx context.Context) error {
    results <- 1
    return nil

re := <-results
assert.Equal(1, re)

re = <-results
assert.Equal(2, re)


Scheduler and throttler. See Scheduler

type Scheduler interface {
	// Start starts the worker channel
	Start() error

	// Stop stops all running and scheduled jobs
	Stop() error

	// PostJob schedules a job execution
	PostJob(job executorIfaces.JobFn) error

	// PostThrottledJob posts a job only and only if the time span of its last execution was greater than "duration"
	PostThrottledJob(job executorIfaces.JobFn, delay time.Duration) error

	// Len returns the number of jobs scheduled
	Len() int

	// ErrorChan registers an error emitting channel
	ErrorChan(ch chan error)