
Wordy's Word Search game implemented in Java

Primary LanguageJava

Word Search Game


Java program that plays a simplified word search game called Wordy’s Search Game. If you would like to see examples of Word Search games, see https://thewordsearch.com/, and for a general summary please read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Word_search. In Wordy’s Search Game, you are given a n × n grid of letters, and your goal is to score the maximum number of points by finding all the words. Words can be found horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. For the sake of convenience, we will refer to a row, column, or diagonal as a line. Words in a line are read in the following way:

  • Horizontal Lines: Left-to-Right;
  • Vertical Lines: Top-to-Bottom;
  • Diagonal Lines: Diagonals that ascend from the left to the right, are read forwards bottom- to-top. Diagonals that descend from left to the right, are read forward top-to-bottom.


The graphical user interface (GUI) allows you to select buttons corresponding to letters, when clicked in a line it will require checking if any new words have been found yet and updating the score by passing along newly found words back to the GUI. The words the game will use are from a text file words.txt. It has 56,130 dictinct words, each with an associated score. The game is finished when all valid words are found, matching the maximum score,


Finding a Word


Incorrect Word


Finishing Game

finishing game


In Wordy’s Search Game, the following constraints are placed on the words you can select:

  • Valid words have at least four letters but no more than seven letters. For example, words like “cat” and “balderdash” are not valid. Finding a new word increases your total score by the score assigned to the word you found.
  • Words not included in words.txt are deemed invalid, you are not responsible for finding invalid words.
  • If a word exists on a line, it doesn’t appear on that line twice. Words can appear more than once though; these should not increase the score as you already found them before.


Class Word

This class stores the data that each entry of HashChainDictionary will contain. A Word object stores a String word, and its integer score, as explained above. Word objects represent the valid words that can be found in a given word search grid, and the score associated with the word would be the value to add to the total score if (newly) found. In a Word object, the String word and integer value score are the key and value, respectively.

Public Methods Implemented

Description: A constructor which returns a new Word object with the specified word and its associated score. The String word will be used as the key attribute for every Word object, and integer value score is the value attribute.

 public Word(String word, int score)

Description: Returns the word String stored in a Word object.

  public String getKey() 

Description: Returns the score stored in a Word object.

 public int getValue()

Class HashChainDictionary

his class implements a dictionary using a hash table with separate chaining.

Important Specification: Recall that the load factor α = n/M where n is the number of elements stored in the hash table, and M is the size of the table.

Public Methods Implemented

Description: Inserts the given Word object referenced by word into the dictionary. This method must throw a DictionaryException if the String stored in the Word object (its key) is already in the dictionary.

public int put(Word word) throws DictionaryException;

Description: A method which returns the Word object with String inputWord as its key. It must return null if the word does not exist in the dictionary.

public Word get(String inputWord)

Description: Removes the Word record with String inputWord as its key from the dictionary, and returns it. This method must throw the NoKeyException if the word is not in the dictionary.

public Word remove(String inputWord) throws NoKeyException

Description: Returns the number of records stored in the hash table (not the size of the table)

public int size()

Class WordSearchOperations

This class implements all the support methods needed by Wordy’s Search Game to find new words, store the bank of words, and information about the game such as the grid of letters and the maximum score.

The following picture shows how input file fileName relates to the wordsearch game.

  • A indicates the dimension of the letter grid)
  • B are the letters
  • C is the word list of words that can be found in the game

The constructor must store the maximum score by summing the values of the scores for these words. For example, the maximum score for this list of hidden words (top to bottom) is:

51 + 46 + 36 + 40 + 42 + 48 + 49 + 62 = 374.


Public Methods Implemented

Description: Returns the number of words found so far during playtime.

public int getNumWordsFound() 

Description: Returns the grid size (dimension) of the letter grid (e.g. in Figure 3, this would return 6).

public int getSize()

Description: Returns the maximum score for the game being played. This is used by the WordSearch class to determine if the game should finish or not.

public int getMaxScore()

Description: Returns the letter on row i and column j in the grid, the String letters[i][j].

public String getLetter(int i, int j) 

Description: Given a String string, you will return an ArrayList containing Word objects (in no particular order), each corresponding to valid words in the dictionary that are substrings of string. Remember that all valid words have at least four letters, but no more than seven letters. For example, if we were given the String “FISHBED”, it should return an ArrayList containing the Word objects from the word dictionary for “FISH” and “FISHBED”. You must check all possible substrings for valid words. * screen shot 2019-02-26 at 7 00 11 pm

ArrayList<Word> checkWords(String string)

Description: Given a String line corresponding to a line of actively selected or currently used letters in the game grid, return the ArrayList of containing all words found within line (in no particular order). Inactive/unselected letters on a line are represented by blank spaces. or example, if the String given is (periods indicating blank spaces) ..LNOMADIC, it should return an ArrayList of Word objects containing the the words “NOMAD” and “NOMADIC”. NOTE: This method only is executed by the main program when it detects a line of at least four letters.

ArrayList<Word> findWords(String line)