TheyTube Project

Distinctiveness and Complexity

I believe my project satisfies the distinctiveness and complexity requirements because: it is a video sharing website, which is something distinct from search, wiki, e-commerce, email and social network; in all previous projects we worked mainly with text, and images were optional. Here, images and video files were used, things that were not seen and are more complex to work with; it is possible to upload a file by choosing from the computer's file system or dragging the video to a specific area, which is something we did not learn during the course; Python is being used to manipulate images and videos; many Django features not seen during the course neither implemented in previous projects were used here like ModelForm, FileField, DurationField, ImageField and media manipulation; it was used Bootstrap elements not seen during the course like Modals, Cards, Collapse, List Group; a Django’s form was styled with Bootstrap; searches are being done not just based on some string but also based in date and time, duration of the video and number of likes.

What is contained in each file

In the TheyTube's project there is a single app called tube and a media directory. The media directory is where the videos and images used in this application are saved. In tube/ there are two functions that are used to manipulate the video files. get_image takes a frame from a video and returns it as a PIL image. get_duration measures the duration of a video and returns this value. In tube/ is where the URL configuration for the tube app is defined. Inside tube/ is defined two Django’s models, User for represent users and Video to represent video files. tube/templates/tube/layout.html defines that each page should include the Bootstrap library. tube/templates/tube/watch.html inherits from layout.html file and specifies how a video should be shown to the users. tube/templates/tube/index.html inherits from layout.html also, and specifies how the main page of the site looks like, containing the navbar menu with the logo, the sidebar menu and a container where the videos are added. tube/templates/tube/register.html is a template that lets users register in the site. tube/templates/tube/login.html shows the users a form to log in the site. The tube/static/tube/video.js file is where the Javascript code for index.html is defined; here there are functions to do search, upload videos and add them to the DOM. The tube/static/tube/video2.js file is where the Javascript code for watch.html is defined; here there are the functions for implementing the like/unlike feature, add and show comments in the DOM. tube/static/tube/styles.css contain some CSS style for the upload video’s form and for showing the video in watch.html.

How to run

Start by running python runserver inside the project’s main directory.

Additional information

The "Trash" and "Library" links in the home do not go anywhere, they are there just for good appearance; the colors of the video's thumbnails are a little strange, but the colors in the videos are ok.