
🔧 Work Tools for developers 🔧

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🔧 Work Tools 🔧

About 🎯

This project is about a app for you to save tools(links) that you use daily as a developer!

Preview 📷

Technologies 🚀

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Bootstrap

How to use 💥

Obs: If you prefer, you may check the live version of the project by clicking here

But if you prefer install on your machine:

  • Pre requirements

  • It's necessary to have Git installed and configured on the computer

1- Clone this repository

$ git clone https://github.com/GustavoSouza12/WorkTools

2- running the application

    *open the folder in cmd, git bash or your prefer command line interpreter
    $ start index.html

Obs: after add a new tool, you need to refresh the page (pressing F5) to save the changes

Say hello 👋

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