
Server router of e-commerce-CMS:

-deploy : https://e-commerce-cms-5a89f.firebaseapp.com -admin email : gusti@gmail.com password : 12345

====================USER SIDE=========================

1. POST /user/register

  • Request Header :

Content-Type : application/x-www-form-urlencoded

  • Request Body :

     first_name : gusti
     last_name : putra
     email : gusti@gmail.com
     password : 12345

  • Success response with status (200) :

          "id": 2,
          "first_name": "gusti",
          "last_name": "putra",
          "email": "gusti@gmail.com",
          "password": "$2b$10$/Kg2OPAbLvFGa62jJ75kxO3jSOydqUxchZaLDQsRrJWpn6tu.w.kS",
          "updatedAt": "2020-03-16T17:41:33.401Z",
          "createdAt": "2020-03-16T17:41:33.401Z",
          "isAdmin": null

  • Data Not Found Resposnse (404) :

          "message": "password can not be empty!"

  • Internal Server Error response with status (500) :

    Typo in server sample :

           "message": "Internal server error!"

2. POST /user/login

  • Request Header :

Content-Type : application/x-www-form-urlencoded

  • Request Body :

      email : "gusti@gmail.com
      password : "12345"

  • Success response with status (200) :

              "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6MSwiZW1haWwiOiJndXN0aUBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJpYXQiOjE1ODQzODQzNDR9.ZHOnpj4cjUyjMPezC-JIU4UMlOfj7GiyOpQ27uqX3Do"

  • Data Not Found Resposnse (404) :

              "message": [
                      "email or password wrong!"

  • Internal Server Error response with status (500) :

    Typo in server sample :

           "message": "Internal server error!"

======================== PRODUCT SIDE ============================

1. POST /products

  • Request Header : token : token

      Content-Type :  application/x-www-form-urlencoded
      token : token

  • Request Body :

      name: bakso,
      category: makanan,
      description: bakso enak,
      image_url: jsbcjasbcjbs,
      stock: 4,
      price: 20000,

  • Success response with status (201) :

              "id": 1,
              "name": "bakso",
              "category": "makanan",
              "description": "bakso enak",
              "image_url": "jsbcjasbcjbs",
              "stock": 4,
              "price": 20000,
              "UserId": 1,
              "updatedAt": "2020-03-16T20:23:23.405Z",
              "createdAt": "2020-03-16T20:23:23.405Z"

  • Validation Error response with status (400) :

    if one of Request Body form is empty (title for sample) :

          "message": [
              "title can not be empty!"

  • Internal Server Error response with status (500) :

    Typo in server sample :

           "message": "Internal server error!"

2. GET /products

  • Request Header : token : token

  • Success response with status (200) :

                      "id": 1,
                      "name": "bakso",
                      "description": "bakso enak",
                       "image_url": "jsbcjasbcjbs",
                      "price": 20000,
                      "stock": 4,
                      "category": "baju",
                      "UserId": 1,
                      "createdAt": "2020-03-16T20:23:23.405Z",
                      "updatedAt": "2020-03-16T20:23:23.405Z"

  • Internal Server Error response with status (500) :

    Typo in server sample :

           "message": "Internal server error!"

3. PUT / product /:id

Example Input (Request Body) :

    "id": 22,
    "name,":"kopi sidingkalang"

Response (200, response sukses):

  "id": 22,
  "name,":"kopi sidingkalang"
  "createdAt": "2020-03-16T09:20:29.722Z",
  "updatedAt": "2020-03-16T09:20:29.722Z",

If the ID wasn't found the respond will be (404, data not found):

  status: 404,
  msg: "data not found"

Example Input (Request Body) :

  "id": 22,
  "createdAt": "2020-03-16T09:20:29.722Z",
  "updatedAt": "2020-03-16T09:20:29.722Z",

Response ERROR (400, data tidak lengkap):

  "status": 400,
  "msg": "Name cannot be empty."

4. DELETE / product /:id

Example Input (Request Params) :

 req.params.id = 2

Response (200, response if success):


Example Error Input (Request Body) :

req.params.id = 2

Response ERROR (404, data not found):

  status: 404
  msg: 'Data not found'

5. GET / transaction /:id

Example Input (Request Params) :

 req.params.id = 2

Response (200, response if success):

    "id": v2,
    "name,":"kopi sidingkalang"
    "createdAt": "2020-03-16T09:20:29.722Z",
    "updatedAt": "2020-03-16T09:20:29.722Z",


Example Error Input (Request Body) :

req.params.id = 2

Response ERROR (404, data not found):

  status: 404
  msg: 'Data not found'