
A dockerfile that contains a running QGIS server

Primary LanguageShell

QGIS Server for Docker

A simple docker container that runs QGIS Server

This image uses the QGIS Desktop docker image as its base.

Please see the canonical documentation for QGIS Server if you need more general info on how QGIS Server works.

Note You should revise the security etc. of this implementation before using in a production environment.



QGIS Server documentation

Please see the canonical documentation for QGIS Server if you need more general info on how QGIS Server works.


To use the image, either pull the latest trusted build from https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/kartoza/qgis-server/ by doing this:

docker pull kartoza/qgis-server:LTR

Note that the LTR build will always track the most recent QGIS Long Term Release build.

We use versioned images and highly recommend that you track a specific version for your orchestrated services since things may break between versions.

In this repository you will find a subdirectory for each QGIS version supported. Each directory contains a self contained docker project and we will maintain all the versioned builds from these containers.

Master should always be considered the latest

You can build the image yourself like this:

git clone git://github.com/kartoza/docker-qgis-server
cd docker-qgis-server/2.14
docker build -t kartoza/qgis-server .

Note: The 'build it yourself' option above will build from the develop branch wheras the trusted builds are against the master branch.

To run a container do:

docker run --name "qgis-server" -p 8081:80 -d -t kartoza/qgis-server

Example use with docker compose

Here is a contrived example showing how you can run QGIS Server from in a docker container using docker-compose. Example docker-compose follows:

  image: kartoza/postgis:9.4-2.1
    - USERNAME=docker
    - PASS=docker
  image: kartoza/qgis-server:2.14
  hostname: qgis-server
    # Wherever you want to mount your data from
    - ./web:/web
    - db:db
    - "80801:80"

To run the example do:

docker-compose up

You should see QGIS server start up. For more detailed approaches to using and building the QGIS Server container, see below.

Note: The database in the above example is stateless (it will be deleted when running docker-compose rm). If you want to connect to the PG database from docker use the following info:

  • host: db
  • database: gis
  • user: docker
  • password: docker

Apache environment variables

Apache will make of the following environment variables. You can tweak these by replacing these options in your docker-compose.yml or docker run command.

APACHE_CONFDIR /etc/apache2
APACHE_RUN_DIR /var/run/apache2
APACHE_LOCK_DIR /var/lock/apache2
APACHE_LOG_DIR /var/log/apache2

The following variables (with defaults shown) are QGIS specific options you can tweak by replacing these options in your docker-compose.yml or docker run command.

QGIS_LOG_FILE /proc/self/fd/1
QGIS_SERVER_LOG_FILE /proc/self/fd/1
PGSERVICEFILE /project/pg_service.conf
QGIS_PROJECT_FILE /project/project.qgs
QGIS_PLUGINPATH /opt/qgis-server/plugins

Probably you will want to mount the /project folder with local volume that contains some QGIS projects. As you can see above, if no project file is specified, QGIS will try to server up /projects/project.qgs by default so if you are looking for an easy to share WMS/WFS url, simply call your project file project.qgs and mount it in the /projects directory.

./build.sh; docker kill server; docker rm server; 
docker run --name="server" \
    -d -p 9999:80 \
 docker logs server

Replace <path_to_local_qgis_project_folder> with an absolute path on your filesystem. That folder should contain the .qgs project files you want to publish and all the data should be relative to the project files and within the mounted volume. See https://github.com/kartoza/maps.kartoza.com for an example of a project layout that we use to power http://maps.kartoza.com

Accessing the services:

Simply entering the URL of the docker container with its port number will respond with a valid OGC response if you use this utl in QGIS 'add WMS layer' dialog.


Tim Sutton (tim@linfiniti.com) - May 2014


During the Girona QGIS hackfest in 2016, Patrick Valsecchi did an almost complete re-write of this image recipe which I have heavily based this and the recipe in docker-qgis-desktop on. Thanks Patrick!