
Run Lizmap stack with docker-compose

Primary LanguagePython

Run Lizmap stack with docker-compose

Run a complete Lizmap stack with test data.

  • Lizmap Web Client
  • QGIS Server
  • Redis

Note: this is a sample configuration for testing Lizmap web client with QGIS and WPS features: if you want use it on a production server you will need to make adjustements for meeting your production requirements.


  • Docker engine
  • docker-compose
  • make (optional in Windows)

Quick start

Execute those commands above for your system and open your browser at http://localhost:8090.

Actually Lizmap 3.4.1 (last version) can't be tested with this stack but you can test Lizmap 3.3.x or 3.4.0. See commands behind to start specific Lizmap version.


In command shell execute to test last version:

make start

Or if you want to test specific version (here last 3.3.x version):

make start LIZMAP_VERSION_TAG=3.3


You can execute same commands as Linux part given above if you use make (optional).

Or in command powershell execute:

docker-compose --env-file .env.windows up

Or if you want to test specific version, you can edit .env.windows and change (here last 3.3.x version):


Running the first time

The command creates a docker-compose environnement and start the stack.

The Lizmap service will start two toys projects that you will have to configure in the Lizmap interface.

See the Lizmap documentation for how to configure Lizmap at first run.

Default login is admin, password admin. It will be asked to change it at first login.

Reset the configuration

In command line

make clean 

This will remove all previous configuration. Youl will have to reenter the configuration in Lizmap as for the first run.

For more informations, refer to the docker-compose documentation

Refs: - https://github.com/3liz/lizmap-web-client - https://github.com/3liz/py-qgis-server