
The FastFeet is an application that helps companies that work with logistics and deliveries. In the application, it is possible to manage deliverymans, addresses, orders and problems that occur with deliveries, such as delays, losses and so on.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is the back-end of the FastFeet application.

The FastFeet is an application that helps companies that work with logistics and deliveries. In the application, it is possible to manage deliverymans, addresses, orders and problems that occur with deliveries, such as delays, losses and so on.

Techs and tools

  • Express;
  • Sucrase + Nodemon;
  • ESLint, Prettier and EditorConfig;
  • Sequelize and PostgreSQL;
  • JSON Web Token and Bcrypt
  • Yup for validations
  • Youch and Sentry

Getting Started

  1. Edit the .env.example file with your credentials;
  2. Clone the repository
  3. Run yarn at your terminal to install the dependencies
  4. Start the server runnning yarn dev


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To access the front-end repository, click here.

Login Page

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Packages Management

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Deliverymans Management

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Address Management

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Problems Management

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Package – Edit Page

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Deliveryman – Edit Page

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Address – Edit Page

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Problem – Modal

app images