
Sublime Text 8th Language support

MIT LicenseMIT


Sublime Text 8th Language syntax

Syntax File

  • I use a custom theme with extended colors and scopes such as peach and orange. These will show as the default text color if not defined for you. Use ctrl+shift+p or ctrl+alt+shift+p to see what the scope of the text under the carot is.

  • It's easy to edit 8th.sublime-syntax and just remove these values: For example io.keywords.8th would become keywords.8th

  • This will cause that scope to use the keywords color which is common in most themes.

  • This file is not complete at this time. I included the most common namespaces but left out others such as net, db, image, network etc.

Completions file

Due to the nature of 8th, there are not very many patterns that need templates. Here are the ones I've created

  • repagain
  • repuntil
  • repwhile
  • fun
  • funi
  • main
  • ifthen
  • ifelse

That's it!