
Upload files to DLink DSL-6740 router

Primary LanguagePython

DSL-6740U File Upload

Upload file to DLink DSL-6740U routers I used this to run static tcpdump (also uploaded to this project)

The steps for uploading a file

Log in and get shell


Authenticate, and then


Upload temp httpd configuration

On router telnet:

cat > /tmp/httpd.conf

Paste content of httpd.conf (verify line endings)

Run temp httpd configuration on port 8081

On router telnet:

busybox httpd -c /tmp/httpd.conf -h /tmp -p 8081

Upload uploader CGI

On router telnet:

cat > /tmp/uploader.cgi

Paste content of uploader.cgi (verify line endings), and then

chmod +x /tmp/uploader.cgi

Upload file

python uploader.py <FILE>

Use the file

On router telnet:


When you're done - don't leave the httpd open!

On router telnet:


Look for the second httpd pid (there's no grep sadly..), and then

kill <8081 httpd pid>

For sniffing with tcpdump

/tmp/uploaded_file -ni br0 "not tcp port 23"