Official Pytorch implementation of the paper "MotionCLIP: Exposing Human Motion Generation to CLIP Space"
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How do I train my own MotionCLIP?
#42 opened by Omair-S - 0
different joint index for thetas(pose) and joints3d?
#41 opened by meongeun - 0 file
#40 opened by meongeun - 0
Was (0, 0, 0) being passed as translation to the encoder during training?
#39 opened by Ivan-Klabucar - 0
- 4
Motions are static
#15 opened by shunlinlu - 4
ffmpeg version
#37 opened by Tong-Hao741 - 2
- 1
- 1
Create conda environment failed
#18 opened by ryanhoo - 2
Visualize failed
#20 opened by ShungJhon - 2
#34 opened by dsdf783 - 2
- 3
- 1
question about
#33 opened by dsdf783 - 1
Reproducing paper results
#32 opened by Radu1999 - 0
Training for action recognition
#30 opened by Radu1999 - 3
continuous issue about rendering the sample
#26 opened by sygyq305 - 0
train in num_frames == -2
#31 opened by sygyq305 - 3
two extra loss terms: mmd and hessian_penalty
#28 opened by zshyang - 1
results on HumanML3D dataset
#29 opened by zshyang - 2
- 3
use smplx add-on
#24 opened by yinkangning0124 - 6
Why input size is 25 x 6?
#19 opened by kjw9899 - 13
issue about rendering the sample
#25 opened by sygyq305 - 3
The generated action is reversed
#23 opened by sygyq305305 - 3
Text-to-Motion issue
#21 opened by sygyq305305 - 0
AMASS Dataset issue
#22 opened by sygyq305305 - 1
environment creation using conda fails
#17 opened by gawsalyan - 1
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the test of editting and interpolation error
#10 opened by wang-zm18 - 7
The generated motions are static?
#5 opened by LinghaoChan - 5
the body of Text Motion render result is opposite
#11 opened by Zessay - 1
Execution issues
#12 opened by chinnusai25 - 2
TypeError: __init__() missing 3 required positional arguments: 'njoints', 'nfeats', and 'num_classes'
#2 opened by TechnicalAnt - 1
Could we ignore global translation and only take joint rotation as input to MotionCLIP?
#9 opened by mingdianliu - 2
Two questions
#8 opened by rbler1234 - 2
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Training translation??
#6 opened by XiSHEN0220 - 3
About AMSS Dataset
#3 opened by LinghaoChan - 1
"action2motion_joints" list & AMASS db file does not include translation vector
#4 opened by MenelauseZzw - 8
code release?
#1 opened by azadis