Task API with JWT

This is a Laravel project that shows how to use JSON Web token for API Tokenization. Implemenation user authentication and authorization as well as Task CRUD functionality.

NOTE: You must have PHP >=8.2, composer and Mysql before you can execute this project


Step 1: Clone git repo

  git clone git@github.com:Guzbyte-tech/Simple_jwt_auth_with_laravel.git

Step 2: cd into the project

  cd Simple_jwt_auth_with_laravel

Step 3: Run the composer install command

  composer install

Step 4: Copy and setup .env file

  cp .env.example .env

Step 5: Generate Application key

  php artisan key:generate

Step 6: Create Database and update database credentials in .env file


Step 7: Run the following command to set JWT_SECRET in the .env file

  php artisan jwt:secret

Then, run the command below to migrate database.

  php artisan migrate

Step 8: Update the .env file with your GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and SECRET to enable OAuth2 sign and register with Google. you can do that https://console.cloud.google.com/. In your .env file set the following with the right credentials


(Optional only on localhost) Then goto terminal and serve Application using the command

  php artisan serve

Step 9: Since this is on a local server set Google Callback uri to . To test on live server replace with e.g https://example.com

Step 9: Run the command below to generate swagger Documentation.

  php artisan l5-swagger:generate

Goto to view API documentation with swagger.