
A Python application for plotting Lotka-Volterra equations.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Lotka-Volterra Plotter

Build Status

So, what is it?

This is a simple graphing tool that plots the Lotka-Volterra equation, with adjustable coeffecients.

I wrote this as an exercise when learning the matplotlib module.


This program uses Python with the PyQt4 and matplotlib modules. It has been tested to work on Ubuntu 13.10, running Python 2.7.5 (stock Ubuntu Python), PyQt4 4.10.3 and matplotlib 1.2.1.

It has also been tested to work on Ubuntu 13.10, running Python 3.3.2 (via the python3 package), PyQt4 4.10.3 and matplotlib 1.2.1.

To download and run the program on Ubuntu (assuming you alredy have Git installed) run the following commands:

sudo apt-get install -y python-qt4 python-matplotlib
git clone https://github.com/cdodd/lotka-volterra-plotter.git
lotka-volterra-plotter/lotka_volterra_plotter.py &
