
Git O Get - Github Profile Stats, Language Graph, Social Card, Contribution Graph, Repository Stats, Graphs and more

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Git o Get

Quick Links

Contributing GuideIssuesPull RequestsLicense

What it does 🤔

  • Just seach your github username and get your profile data in a different way
  • This app also generates a shareable card dynamically
  • The card is downloadable also

Contents 🧧

  • Profile Details
  • Language Crad
  • Shareable Social Card
  • Profile Stats
  • Profile Contribution Calander
  • List of Followers(last 100)
  • Most forked Repository Graph
  • Most Stared Repository Graph

Tech Stack 👾

Demo 🌍

This app is Deployed to Vercel
View Demo

SnapShots 💻

Home Page

User Detail Page

Prerequisites '✔

Required to install and run the software:

Run Locally 🤠

  1. Clone the respository locally
git clone https://github.com/Mridul2820/git-o-get.git
  1. Create a .env file in the root directory
  • GITHUB_TOKEN: Get your Personal Access Token by signing in to your github account and then go to your setting -> developer setting -> Personal access tokens -> Generate new token
  • SITE_URL: Your base URL for the app
  • CLOUD_NAME: Create a Cloudinary account and Get your CLOUD NAME
  • BASE_IMAGE_URL: Upload Base Image in Your Cloudinary Cloud and Get the public Id
  1. Install the node_modules
npm install
  1. Start the Server
npm run dev

How to contribute? 💻

Contributing Guide

All the best! 🥇