
Code for our paper "Guiding The Last Layer in Federated Learning with Pre-Trained Models"

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Guiding The Last Layer in Federated Learning with Pre-Trained Models

This repository contains the source code for our paper "Guiding The Last Layer in Federated Learning with Pre-Trained Models" where we investigate transfer learning in a federated setting. Our work builds off of Where to Begin? Exploring the Impact of Pre-Training and Initialization in Federated Learning (Nguyen et. al. 2022) and our implementation modifies the FL Sim source code.

How to Set up a Run:

FL Sim sets up run configurations using config.py, additionally we have implemented the option to configure run settings using the command line. To see config.py <=> command line equivalences, see method set_cfg_from_cl() in utils.py. If you do not supply a command line argument, configuration will defer to the value set in config.py.

  Sample Run Command for FT:

python federated_main.py --wandb=False --epochs=100 --num_clients=10 --clients_per_round=10 --dataset=cifar --local_ep=3 --pretrained=1 --ncm=0 --algorithm=ft --fl_algorithm=fedavg --optimizer=sgd --alpha=0.1 --client_lr=0.001

  Sample Run Command for FedNCM+FT:

python federated_main.py --wandb=False --epochs=100 --num_clients=10 --clients_per_round=10 --dataset=cifar --local_ep=3 --pretrained=1 --ncm=1 --algorithm=ft --fl_algorithm=fedavg --optimizer=sgd --alpha=0.1 --client_lr=0.001

  Training results for sample run command for ft (blue) and sample run command for FedNCM+FT (yellow)

alt text


This code base works with wandb logging, to enable it, set the appropriate command line options, or the configs in the wandb section of config.py.

  Some Command line Options:

Option Args Comments
--model resnet, squeezenet
--pretrained 1 (True), 0 (False)
--ncm 1 (True), 0 (False)
--mu hyperparameter used with fedprox option
--algorithm ft, lp, fedprox
--fl_algorithm fedavg, fedadam, fedavgm
--momentum float server momentum
--optimizer sgd, adam
--alpha float min=0.01
--dataset flowers, cifar, cars, cub, eurosat Only a fraction of Eurosat is selected
--num_client_samples int
--client_lr float
--server_lr float always set to 1 for fedavg
--local_ep int number of client epochs
--local_bs int batch size for local training
--epochs int global rounds
--num_clients int
--clients_per_round int Note: FL Sim automatically scales global rounds to client fraction (see **)

** Round scaling: If you have 50 epochs, 10 clients and 5 clients per round you will end up running a total of (10/5)*50 global rounds in total. If you want to remove this behavior, the code will need to be modified appropriately.


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  title={Guiding The Last Layer in Federated Learning with Pre-Trained Models},
  author={Legate, Gwen and Bernier, Nicolas and Caccia, Lucas and Oyallon, Edouard and Belilovsky, Eugene},
booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
 volume = {36},