
2021 COCO summer project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


2021 COCO summer project

Contributor : SeungHee-Han, JunWoo-Lim logo_light


  1. Javascript : 100%
  2. React-Native with Expo, GraphQL, Apollo-Server, PrismaSQL with PosgreSQL(PGadmin4)

Project Summary

Good phrase recommendation service.

The app is collecting user's data in real time and recommend phrases that user may like.

Main Feature of the projectCancel changes

  1. Language : Javascript 100%
  2. DB : PosgreSQL
  3. Backend : PrismaSQL + GraphQL
  4. Frontend : React-Native + Apollo-Server + GraphQL
  5. Machine-Learning : Collaborative Filtering

What's Special

  1. Real-time Collecting User's information and Recommend
  2. Fast interaction with Apollo-Server-Cache

Subsequent Plans to do

  1. Solve the Copyright problem
  2. Edit Profile Function
  3. Upload Photo Function
  4. Comment Function
  5. Develop blockChain-like share-approve Community. a. Every user has level. b. if user uploads photo, it needs approvals. For example, it needs 10 approvals to be uploaded to DB server. If user’s level is high, one can execute more than 1 approval just like manager can execute 10 approvals.