Getting started

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Getting Started with the project

You'll need to set a value for REACT_APP_MOVIE_API_KEY in an .env file to have this working

it is bootstrapped with The Movie DB

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:


Which will set the project (don't forget to npm i) to work locally

Also you can find it working here heroku


  • Could've added a debounce function to the search bar input to not spam the API with every key pressed
  • Footer anybody?
  • Image handling for the jumbo could be based on js width utility, to improve performance
  • I think search results are cached 🤔...
  • UI will mostly work on mobile devices, could've polished it along the "more info" slider
  • Filtering will work for both discoveries and search results
  • For now, only 9 results are being shown, this could be improved
  • Contrast on the Jumbo could be better
  • Context for this amount of info is fine, with a bit more of info could've been better to include redux or make a reducer
  • Should've wrapped emoji in accessible spans
  • OGH, 😠 withouth loading states, the UI is all jumpy, would be a must if I worked a bit further on this
  • Data handling with a reducer seems also like a good way to go next so that is available globally
  • Man, I think CRA is kind of outdated, no aliases without ejecting 😔
  • Most of Tailwind better features won't work cause the inital config was harder than in nextjs
  • Man, I love nextjs so much ❤️
  • Most of the API's layer and even transformations coul've taken place in the api folder of next