
A modularized and more digestible version of the example AwesomeWM `rc.lua`, with improvements like better consistency, cleanliness and expandability.

Primary LanguageLua

Modularized example rc.lua

This project is essentially a template for my (and your) convenience when starting a new AwesomeWM configuration. It's loyal to the official example , but way more digestible and generally cleaned up. It also contains some personal notes on useful things I've learned while using AwesomeWM.


There exist a few similar projects that aim to make starting out with AWM a bit easier, but in my opinion, they fail in some regards. They either:

  • Abuse global variables and functions.
  • Have obtuse and counterintuitive organization.

I aimed to make something that I found more comfortable to work with, and I'm doing you the further courtesy of sharing it. Think this is pointless? You're probably right.


This project is divided into different directories that aim to provide cohesive configuration.

  • binds is fairly straight forward, it contains all key and mouse bindings that the WM uses. They're additionally split up into client (window) bindings and global (WM) bindings.
  • config contains general user-preference customization like default applications, layouts, tag number and names, and WM rules.
  • module is a dummy directory for you to put community developed modules into. Some common examples are rubato and bling.
  • signal contains the AwesomeWM signals that trigger events like tag creation and widget drawing. This one is easier to understand after you've used AWM for a while.
  • theme is mostly a dummy directory that currently only includes the beautiful initialization but is intended for you to expand with your own themes. An example of this idea can be found in one of my personal configurations, gwileful.
  • ui contains all widgets and UI elements, providing a table with all of them for easy access.
  • And finally, rc.lua just calls whatever needs to be called and handles errors.

How do I get started?

Simply clone the repository into your AwesomeWM configuration directory and start working!

# Assuming that ~/.config exists and is a directory.
git clone https://github.com/gwynsav/modular-awm-default.git ~/.config/awesome

Any other recommendations?

Yes! You may be interested in compiling AwesomeWM against LuaJIT as it basically just performs better. Instructions on how to do this can be found in the official AWM documentation.

While we're on the topic of documentation, here's a link to the official documentation for the master branch of Awesome. Why the master branch? Because, as of the end of 2023, the stable release is about 4 years behind in development. I would recommend against using it as this project doesn't work with it.