
A better chart tools based on echarts.Support Map/Pie/Line/Bar and so on. 一个更好的基于 echarts 的ReactNative图表库,支持地图/饼图/折线图/柱状图等等.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


NPM Version NPM Version

English 简体中文

Better charting tools based on native-echarts.



  1. Solve the problem of android tpl.html file reference;
  2. echarts version upgraded to 5.2.0;
  3. Support all kinds of charts;
  4. Support map chart;
  5. Support Extensions;

Getting started

$ npm install react-native-echarts-pro --save


$ npm install react-native-webview --save


1.Base Usage


import React from "react";
import { View } from "react-native";
import RNEChartsPro from "react-native-echarts-pro";

export default function Demo() {
  const pieOption = {
    tooltip: {
      backgroundColor: "rgba(255,255,255,0.8)",
      borderColor: "#668BEE",
      borderWidth: 1,
      padding: [5, 10],
      textStyle: {
        color: "#24283C",
        fontSize: 12,
      trigger: "item",
      formatter: function (a) {
        return (
          '<i style="display: inline-block;width: 10px;height: 10px;background: ' +
          a["color"] +
          ';margin-right: 5px;border-radius: 50%;}"></i>' +
          a["name"] +
          "</br>Test:  " +
          a["value"] +
          "个 " +
          "<br>proportion:  " +
          a["percent"] +
    series: [
        name: "Source",
        type: "pie",
        legendHoverLink: true,
        hoverAnimation: true,
        avoidLabelOverlap: true,
        startAngle: 180,
        radius: "55%",
        center: ["50%", "35%"],
        data: [
          { value: 105.2, name: "android" },
          { value: 310, name: "iOS" },
          { value: 234, name: "web" },
        label: {
          normal: {
            show: true,
            textStyle: {
              fontSize: 12,
              color: "#23273C",
        emphasis: {
          lable: {
            show: true,
            fontSize: 12,
            color: "#668BEE",
          itemStyle: {
            show: true,
            shadowBlur: 10,
            shadowOffsetX: 0,
            shadowColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)",
  return (
    <View style={{ height: 300, paddingTop: 25 }}>
      <RNEChartsPro height={250} option={pieOption} />

2.Map Usage


import React from "react";
import { View } from "react-native";
import RNEChartsPro from "react-native-echarts-pro";

export default function Demo() {
  const mapData = {
    visualMap: {
      show: false,
      left: "right",
      top: "center",
      min: 1,
      max: 3,
      calculable: true,
    series: [
        type: "map",
        map: "world",
        mapType: "world",
        selectedMode: "single",
        itemStyle: {
          normal: {
            areaStyle: { color: "#B1D0EC" },
            color: "#B1D0EC",
            borderColor: "#dadfde",
          emphasis: {
            //mouse hover style
            label: {
              show: true,
              textStyle: {
                color: "#000000",
        data: [],
        roam: true,
    toolbox: {
      // According to strategy, optional: true (display) | false (hidden)
      show: true,
      // Layout, the default value is horizontal layout, optional for: 'horizontal' | 'vertical'
      orient: "horizontal",
      // Horizontal position, the default for map centered, optional for: 'center' | 'left' | 'right' | {number} (x coordinate, px)
      x: "left",
      // Vertical position, the default for the top of the map, can be selected as: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'center' | {number} (y, px)
      y: "bottom",
      // Toolbox background color, transparent by default
      backgroundColor: "#1e90ff60",
      // The interval between each item (unit: px, default: 10) is horizontal for horizontal layout and vertical for vertical layout
      itemGap: 10,
      // Toolbox icon size, unit (px)
      itemSize: 10,
      // Toolbox icon color sequence, recycling, and support to specify a color in a specific feature
      color: "#ffffff",
      // Whether to display the toolbox text prompt. Enabled by default
      showTitle: false,
      feature: {
        // Restore, reset the original diagram
        restore: {
          show: true,
          title: "还原",

  return (
    <View style={{ height: 300 }}>
      <RNEChartsPro height={250} option={mapData} />


Prop Type Default Require Description
height number 400 Y Chart area height
option object null Y Chart data configuration items, see details:https://echarts.apache.org/zh/option.html#title
backgroundColor string transparent N Chart background color
themeName string - N There are only six officially available themes:
vintage || dark || macarons || infographic || shine || roma
webViewSettings object null N Customize WebView container properties
formatterVariable object null N If option’formatter function need variable,can use this.


  return (
    <View style={{ height: 300, paddingTop: 25 }}>
        webViewSettings={{ // <==There
          scrollEnabled: true,
          onLoadEnd: () => {
          style: {
            backgroundColor: "red",
        onPress={res => alert(JSON.stringify(res))}
        legendSelectChanged={res => alert(res)}


	const pieOption = {
    yAxis: {
        axisLabel: {
            formatter(value) {
                return value + formatterVariable.unit;
	return (
    <View style={{ height: 300, paddingTop: 25 }}>
        formatterVariable={{ unit: "dollar" }}



const liquidOption = {
    title: {
      text: "水球图",
      left: "center",
    series: [
        type: "liquidFill",
        data: [0.6],
        color: ["#afb11b"],
        itemStyle: {
          opacity: 0.6,
        emphasis: {
          itemStyle: {
            opacity: 0.9,
	return (
    <View style={{ height: 300, paddingTop: 25 }}>
        extension={[ // Dynamically import third-party CDN or import min.js file



Method name Params Description
setNewOption option Reassign and render the chart.
onPress callbackData Chart click event,callbackData is the clicked data.
onDataZoom callbackData Chart zoom event.


<RNEChartsPro ref={(echarts) => (this.echarts = echarts)} option={this.state.options}/>

// use


// res is an object :{name:"", value:""}
<RNEChartsPro onPress={res => alert(JSON.stringify(res))} option={this.state.options}/>


  1. Support third-party extension;
  2. Custom map data;
  3. Custom theme;