amber is a reflective PE packer for bypassing security products and mitigations. It can pack regularly compiled PE files into reflective payloads that can load and execute itself like a shellcode. It enables stealthy in-memory payload deployment that can be used to bypass anti-virus, firewall, IDS, IPS products and application white-listing mitigations. If you want to learn more about the packing methodology used inside amber check out below. For more detail about usage, installation and how to decrease detection rate check out WIKI.
Developed By Ege Balcı from INVICTUS/PRODAFT.
On *nix systems both of the dependencies can be installed with OS packet managers. (APT/PACMAN/YUM)
Get one of the pre-build release here. Or get it with following alternatives.
GO (suggested)
go get
sudo pacman -S amber
docker pull egee/amber
docker run -it egee/amber
amber [options] file.exe
-k, -keysize Size of the encryption key in bytes (Max:255/Min:8)
-r, -reflective Generated a reflective payload
-a, -anti-analysis Add anti-analysis measures
-i, -iat Use import address table entries instead of export address table
-s, -scrape Scrape the PE header info (May break some files)
-no-resource Don't add any resource data (removes icon)
-ignore-integrity Ignore integrity check errors
-v, -verbose Verbose output mode
-h, -H Show this massage
(Default settings if no option parameter passed)
amber -k 8 file.exe
Docker Usage
docker run -it -v /tmp/:/tmp/ amber /tmp/file.exe
- NOPcon 2018 DEMO