This is a simple in-memory storage service that allows clients to add, delete, and retrieve key-value pairs via a REST API. The service also includes rate limiting functionality to limit the number of requests per second from a single IP address.
The API includes the following endpoints:
POST /set
: Add a new key-value pair to the storage. The request body should include a JSON object with the key and value fields. An optionalexpiration
field can be included to set a time-to-live value for the key in seconds.DELETE /delete?key=
: Delete the key-value pair with the specified key from the storage.GET /get?key=
: Retrieve the value for the key with the specified key from the storage.GET /all
: Retrieve all key-value pairs from the storage.
Object should be in the following format:
"key": "key",
"value": "value",
"expiration": 60
as in this Entity struct:
// Entity represents a key-value pair in the in-memory storage.
type Entity struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Value string `json:"value"`
// Expiration is the time in nanoseconds when the key-value pair will expire.
Expiration int64 `json:"expiration"`
If a client exceeds the rate limit, the service will return a 429 Too Many Requests
HTTP status code.
The service can be configured using the environment
variables listed below:
server port, default 8080
rate limit in requests per second, default 10
This value is used to calculate how many nanoseconds to wait between requests from a single IP address.
To build the service, run the following command:
go build -o in-memory-storage cmd/in-memory-storage/main.go
To run the service, use the following command:
The service can also be run using Docker. To build the Docker image, use the following command:
docker build -t in-memory-storage .
To run the Docker container, use the following command:
docker run -p 8080:8080 in-memory-storage
To run the tests for the service, use the following command:
go test ./...