
The python notebooks used in the laboratory sessions of the KIOS Graduate Summer School

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

KIOS Graduate Summer School 2018

Summer school web site: www.kios.ucy.ac.cy/summer-school/


  • Python is one of the most popular programming languages used extensively in web development, as well as in science and engineering (including data science). In this course we will be using Python 2.7.
  • Jypyter is a browser-based tool which allows us to interface with Python in an easy way. Jupyter is primarily used for educational purposes - not for development. We can create notebooks which we can share so that others can replicate our work and make changes.
  • Anaconda is an environment which makes it easy to setup various languages and tools, such as Python.

Installation instructions

On Windows

  1. Download Python 2.7 version from the Anaconda website. Make sure you select the 2.7 version.
  2. When prompted in instalation, select Add Anaconda to my PATH environment variable
  3. When installation has finished, run Anaconda Prompt. This will open a command line window in Windows.
  4. Run the command jupyter notebook. This should open a local jupyter notebook.


On Linux/Unix

  1. Download Python 2.7 version from the Anaconda website
  2. Open a terminal and cd to the installation folder
  3. Enter the bin/ directory (at anaconda-base-dir/bin) and run source activate root; this will activate the root (default) Anaconda environment
  4. Start the anaconda navigator by running ./anaconda-navigator

Using Anaconda Navigator

Read this tutorial on how to use the anaconda navigator.

Python Packages

You may install the following packages using Anaconda:

Classification exercise: numpy, sklearn, matplotlib, seaborn, scipy

Regression exercise: numpy, pandas, sklearn, matplotlib, pydot, scipy

System identification exercise: numpy, matplotlib, cvxpy, scipy


  • If a package is not included in Anaconda read this tutorial on how to install packages using the anaconda navigator, or use conda in the terminal.
  • Run this notebook to test if the packages are installed succesfully.


Preparation material as follows: