
A simple macro library to use in ARK modding projects that provides Observer Pattern-esque functionality

ARK Observer

A simple macro library to use in ARK modding projects that provides Observer Pattern-esque functionality. This is not a true Observer Pattern implementation, but uses many of the same concepts.

This provides a more robust way to pass data between actors in a mod. This even works between different mods, which is useful because the actors using it don't need to have references to anything they are passing the data to.

Useful Reading

Observer Pattern: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observer_pattern

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone the repository to the ARK Dev Kit's mods folder, or download the ARKObserverMacroLibrary.uasset file and place it somewhere within the ARK Dev Kit's mods folder.

Usage Instructions

There are currently 10 macros made available by this library:

  1. EmitEvent - emits an event that other actors can listen for. You need to specify an event name and any event data you wish to send.
  2. HandleEvent - takes input from the ActorCustomEvent node (available in the ARK Dev Kit) and processes it, returning the event name and event data.
  3. GetData - takes the event data (previously processed by HandleEvent) and a key and returns the event data that corresponds to that key.
  4. BuildEventString - takes the event data and an event name and returns a string representing the event with its data. This happens automatically in EmitEvent, but I've made this method available in case you would like to get a raw event for some reason.
  5. BuildDataString - takes a name and a value corresponding to the data you want to send and creates a data string using the name and value. If you don't want to use this method, you can easily create the data string yourself by putting the delimiter :=: between the name and the value (e.g. PlayerName:=:MyPlayerName). The :=: delimiter is to reduce the possibility of data containing characters that could conflict with the observer. If you choose to create your data string manually, it is up to you to sanitize your data to make sure it doesn't include the following delimiters: #$#, :=:, !@! (used internally)
  6. SanitizeEventData - used internally in BuildDataString, this makes sure the data passed in is properly sanitized to not contain any of the internally used delimiters. It also trims whitespace.
  7. VectorFromString - used to convert a string into a vector. Only works with strings in the format returned from the vector string conversion node.
  8. RotationFromString - used to convert a string into a rotation. Only works with strings in the format returned from the rotation string conversion node.
  9. TransformFromString - used to convert a string into a transform. Only works with strings in the format returned from the transform string conversion node.
  10. BooleanFromString - used to convert a string into a boolean. Passing in the strings true or 1 will return the boolean true, otherwise it returns the boolean false.

Emitting an Event

To emit an event, follow these steps (click here for an example):

  1. Prepare the data you wish to send.
  2. Find the BuildDataString macro and provide a name for the data and the associated data you wish to send.
  3. Repeat step 2 for all data you want to add to the event.
  4. Find the EmitEvent macro and enter an event name directly into the appropriate input.
  5. Drag off of the Event Data input on the EmitEvent macro and look for the Make Array node.
  6. Drag off of the outputs of any BuildDataString macros and connect them to the inputs of the Make Array node.


In this example, a PlayerSpawned event is emitted when a player is spawned containing the ID of the player, stored as PlayerID. Any actors that are set up to listen for it will receive the event and have access to the ID of the player.

Emitting an event

Listening for an Event

To listen for an event, follow these steps (click here for an example):

  1. Get a reference to GameMode and cast it to ShooterGameMode.
  2. Drag off of the cast to ShooterGameMode node and look for the Bind Event to OnActorCustomEvent node.
  3. Drag off of the red method box on the event node and select the option to create a new custom event. Name it whatever you want.
  4. Drag off of the Event Custom String output of the custom event node cast node and look for the HandleEvent macro.
  5. Drag off of the Event Name output of the HandleEvent macro and use a Switch on String node to direct execution to different logic depending on the event name.
  6. Connect the execution of the custom event node to the Switch on String node.
  7. To get the event data corresponding to a specific key, use the GetEventData macro and connect its input to the Event Data output of the HandleEvent macro.
  8. Enter the key for the data you want into the Key input of the GetEventData macro.
  9. The Value output of the GetEventData macro will be the data you requested with the provided Key value, assuming it exists in the event data.


On the actor that is listening for the PlayerSpawned event, we get the PlayerID data from the event data and print it.

Listening for an event

Things to be aware of

  • I recommend emitting events and listening for events on the server to avoid duplication. Handle it however you want to though.
  • For some reason emitting events does not work from weapons. If you want to emit an event from a weapon, emit it from a buff on the player using the weapon instead. Emitting events from other types of primal items does work.