
Calculate the average insolation (exposure to the sun) for any location in the world.

Primary LanguageGoCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


Calculate the average insolation (exposure to the sun) for any location in the world.

Used Data

The data is retrieved from NASA POWER Project Data Sets. Where POWER stands Prediction Of Worldwide Energy Resources. It has solar and meteorological data sets for support of renewable energy, building energy efficiency and agricultural needs.

See: https://power.larc.nasa.gov/docs/v1/

The NASA API provides a lot of data. In this case the ALLSKY_SFC_SW_DWN is used. It means All Sky Insolation Incident on a Horizontal Surface. A value expressed in kW-hr/m^2/day.


Sau Sheong Chang created a detailed blog post on the energy requirement of Singapore and how installing solar panels on all rooftops could help: https://medium.com/sausheong/estimate-the-solar-output-of-your-rooftop-with-google-maps-725e4f636f14

He calculated the average kW-hr/m^2/day for Singapore by hand. I was wondering what the value could be for other locations, so decided to create this simple tool for that.


Given a latitude and longitude SunPower will calculate the average kW-hr/m^2/day for that location, where that average is based on all daily values over a period of the past ten years.


go install github/Gys/sunpower


./sunpower 38.722501 -9.4323331

Same sample locations, calculated on Feb 7, 2020:

location latitude longitude kW-hr/m^2/day
Stockholm 59.326242 17.8419719 2.62
Vancouver 49.282730 -123.120735 3.11
Singapore 1.352083 103.819839 4.55
Lisbon 38.722501 -9.4323331 4.80
Miami 25.761681 -80.191788 5.01
Abu Dhabi 24.453884 54.377342 5.92