Unique progress view with rich customisation options! You can set any number of segments, each individual segment can be customised with gradients and there is even an animation option!
Make sure you have jitpack.io included in your gradle repositories.
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
implementation 'com.github.edgar-zigis:segmentedarcview:1.0.1'
app:title="@string/outstanding_credit" // -> custom title text
app:value="150 €" // -> custom value text
app:titleTypefaceSize="20dp" // -> custom title text size
app:valueTypefaceSize="55dp" // -> custom value text size
app:titleTextColor="@android:color/darker_gray" // -> custom title text color
app:valueTextColor="@android:color/black" // -> custom value text color
app:titleVerticalOffset="20dp" // -> offset vertical position of the title
app:valueVerticalOffset="-10dp" // -> offset vertical position of the value
app:startAngle="150" // -> arc start angle in degrees
app:sweepAngle="240" // -> arc sweep angle in degrees
app:segmentSeparationAngle="9" // -> arc separator width in degrees
app:segmentThickness="8dp" /> // -> individual segment thickness
Some of the parameters however can be only set programmatically
// set fonts
progressView.titleTypeFace = Typeface.createFromAsset(assets, "equip_regular.ttf")
progressView.valueTypeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(assets, "ttnorms_bold.otf")
// if blinking is enabled, then settings can be passed through here
progressView.blinkAnimationSettings = BlinkAnimationSettings(
minAlpha = 0.4F,
maxAlpha = 1F,
duration = 2000L
// you can set any number of segments you like
// ArcSegment has gradientStart, gradientEnd and animation option
progressView.segments = listOf(
ArcSegment(Color.parseColor("#eb3f25"), Color.parseColor("#eb3f25")),
ArcSegment(Color.parseColor("#eb3f25"), Color.parseColor("#eb3f25")),
ArcSegment(Color.parseColor("#e7ddba"), Color.parseColor("#efc956"), animate = true),
ArcSegment(Color.parseColor("#e5e5e5"), Color.parseColor("#d3d3d3"))