Compare running time between native Python and C with FFI wrapper

For calculating Pi to use the rate of convergence like below.

rate of convergence


Move to the libs directory, and run script for compiling c code. (Recommend: back to the root directory)

cd libs
python -m builder


Check your current path on the project's root, and run script.

python -m compare [-n]

# usage: [-h] [-n NITER]

# optional arguments:
#   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
#   -n NITER, --niter NITER
#                         Number of iteration when calculating (default: 100_000_000)

Then, you can get the result like below, c code with FFI is 61.8 faster than native python.

@timer: [] calculate_pi ( 5.647333 seconds )
        [Native Python] pi = 3.141592643589326
@timer: [] calculate_pi ( 0.091362 seconds )
        [C with FFI]    pi = 3.141592643589326


Run pytest command or use with verbose option.

pytest -v