
TexTeller can convert image to latex formulas (image2latex, latex OCR) with higher accuracy and exhibits superior generalization ability, enabling it to cover most usage scenarios.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

📄 English | 中文


🤗 Hugging Face


TexTeller is an end-to-end formula recognition model based on ViT, capable of converting images into corresponding LaTeX formulas.

TexTeller was trained with 550K7.5M image-formula pairs (dataset available here), compared to LaTeX-OCR which used a 100K dataset, TexTeller has stronger generalization abilities and higher accuracy, covering most use cases (except for scanned images and handwritten formulas).

We will soon release a TexTeller checkpoint trained on a 7.5M dataset

🔄 Change Log

  • 📮[2024-03-25] TexTeller 2.0 released! The training data for TexTeller 2.0 has been increased to 7.5M (about 15 times more than TexTeller 1.0 and also improved in data quality). The trained TexTeller 2.0 demonstrated superior performance in the test set, especially in recognizing rare symbols, complex multi-line formulas, and matrices.

    There are more test images here and a horizontal comparison of recognition models from different companies.

  • 📮[2024-04-12] Trained a formula detection model, thereby enhancing the capability to detect and recognize formulas in entire documents (whole-image inference)!

🔑 Prerequisites




Only CUDA versions >= 12.0 have been fully tested, so it is recommended to use CUDA version >= 12.0

🚀 Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/OleehyO/TexTeller
  2. Install pytorch

  3. Install the project's dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Enter the TexTeller/src directory and run the following command in the terminal to start inference:

    python inference.py -img "/path/to/image.{jpg,png}" 
    # use --inference-mode option to enable GPU(cuda or mps) inference
    #+e.g. python inference.py -img "./img.jpg" --inference-mode cuda


The first time you run it, the required checkpoints will be downloaded from Hugging Face

🌐 Web Demo

Go to the TexTeller/src directory and run the following command:


Enter http://localhost:8501 in a browser to view the web demo.


If you are Windows user, please run the start_web.bat file instead.

🧠 Full Image Inference

TexTeller also supports formula detection and recognition on full images, allowing for the detection of formulas throughout the image, followed by batch recognition of the formulas.

Download Weights

English documentation formula detection [link]: Trained on 8272 images from the IBEM dataset.

Chinese documentation formula detection [link]: Trained on 2560 Chinese textbook images (100+ layouts).

Formula Detection

Run the following command in the TexTeller/src directory:

python infer_det.py

Detects all formulas in the full image, and the results are saved in TexTeller/src/subimages.

Batch Formula Recognition

After formula detection, run the following command in the TexTeller/src directory:


This will use the results of the previous formula detection to perform batch recognition on all cropped formulas, saving the recognition results as txt files in TexTeller/src/results.

📡 API Usage

We use ray serve to provide an API interface for TexTeller, allowing you to integrate TexTeller into your own projects. To start the server, you first need to enter the TexTeller/src directory and then run the following command:

python server.py  # default settings
Parameter Description
-ckpt The path to the weights file, default is TexTeller's pretrained weights.
-tknz The path to the tokenizer, default is TexTeller's tokenizer.
-port The server's service port, default is 8000.
--inference-mode Whether to use GPU(cuda or mps) for inference, default is CPU.
--num_beams The number of beams for beam search, default is 1.
--num_replicas The number of service replicas to run on the server, default is 1 replica. You can use more replicas to achieve greater throughput.
--ncpu_per_replica The number of CPU cores used per service replica, default is 1.
--ngpu_per_replica The number of GPUs used per service replica, default is 1. You can set this value between 0 and 1 to run multiple service replicas on one GPU to share the GPU, thereby improving GPU utilization. (Note, if --num_replicas is 2, --ngpu_per_replica is 0.7, then 2 GPUs must be available)


A client demo can be found at TexTeller/client/demo.py, you can refer to demo.py to send requests to the server

🏋️‍♂️ Training


We provide an example dataset in the TexTeller/src/models/ocr_model/train/dataset directory, you can place your own images in the images directory and annotate each image with its corresponding formula in formulas.jsonl.

After preparing your dataset, you need to change the DIR_URL variable to your own dataset's path in .../dataset/loader.py

Retraining the Tokenizer

If you are using a different dataset, you might need to retrain the tokenizer to obtain a different dictionary. After configuring your dataset, you can train your own tokenizer with the following command:

  1. In TexTeller/src/models/tokenizer/train.py, change new_tokenizer.save_pretrained('./your_dir_name') to your custom output directory

    If you want to use a different dictionary size (default is 10k tokens), you need to change the VOCAB_SIZE variable in TexTeller/src/models/globals.py

  2. In the TexTeller/src directory, run the following command:

    python -m models.tokenizer.train

Training the Model

To train the model, you need to run the following command in the TexTeller/src directory:

python -m models.ocr_model.train.train

You can set your own tokenizer and checkpoint paths in TexTeller/src/models/ocr_model/train/train.py (refer to train.py for more information). If you are using the same architecture and dictionary as TexTeller, you can also fine-tune TexTeller's default weights with your own dataset.

In TexTeller/src/globals.py and TexTeller/src/models/ocr_model/train/train_args.py, you can change the model's architecture and training hyperparameters.


Our training scripts use the Hugging Face Transformers library, so you can refer to their documentation for more details and configurations on training parameters.

🚧 Limitations

  • Does not support scanned images and PDF document recognition

  • Does not support handwritten formulas

📅 Plans

  • Train the model with a larger dataset (7.5M samples, coming soon)

  • Recognition of scanned images

  • PDF document recognition + Support for English and Chinese scenarios

  • Inference acceleration

  • ...

⭐️ Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time

💖 Acknowledgments

Thanks to LaTeX-OCR which has brought me a lot of inspiration, and im2latex-100K which enriches our dataset.

👥 Contributors