
This is a Python script that utilizes OpenCV to detect faces, eyes, and smiles in a webcam feed. It applies Haar cascades to detect these features and draws rectangles around them in real-time.

Primary LanguagePython

Smile Detection Using OpenCV

This is a Python script that utilizes OpenCV to detect faces, eyes, and smiles in a webcam feed. It applies Haar cascades to detect these features and draws rectangles around them in real-time.


  • Python 3.x
  • OpenCV 4.x


  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/H-Alireza/Smile-Detection-OpenCV.git

  2. Install the required dependencies: pip install opencv-python

  3. Download the Haar cascade XML files for face, eye, and smile detection and place them in the project directory.


  1. Run the script: python smile_detection.py

  2. The webcam feed will open in a new window, and the script will start detecting faces, eyes, and smiles in real-time.

  3. Press 'q' to exit the application.


  • Scaling factors and minimum neighbors for face, eye, and smile detection can be adjusted in the detect_faces(), detect_eyes(), and detect_smiles() functions, respectively.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please create an issue or submit a pull request.