
Ready php script for working with OCPP 1.6J protocol for charging electric vehicles

Primary LanguagePHP


Ready php script for WS/WSS server operation with OCPP 1.6J protocol for charging electric vehicles, tested on php version 7.1 - 8.0

  1. Install php library WebSocket Ratchet (http://socketo.me/docs/install) on your server, use my composer.json
  2. For OCPP 1.6J to work correctly, you need to change the standard headers in the /vendor/ratchet/rfc6455/src/Handshake/ServerNegotiator.php file. The contents of the “handshake” function are changed to
public function handshake(RequestInterface $request)
   $headers = [];
   $response = new Response(101, array_merge($headers, [
       'Upgrade'              => 'websocket'
       , 'Connection'           => 'Upgrade'
       , 'Sec-WebSocket-Version' => '13'
       , 'Sec-WebSocket-Protocol' => 'ocpp1.6'
       , 'Sec-WebSocket-Accept' => $this->sign((string)$request->getHeader('Sec-WebSocket-Key')[0])
   return $response;
  1. Use my files that I uploaded to the repository
/start.php is responsible for starting the WS/WSS server
/src/Desc.php main methods for WS/WSS server operation
/src/Init.php Basic methods for running OCPP 1.6J
/src/config/define.php connection to Mysql database
/src/MySQL.php file for database operation
  1. To start and further keep the WS/WSS server in operation, be sure to use Supervisor (http://supervisord.org) or, as an alternative, I recommend using the php script https://github.com/Firehed/ProcessManager

My code was written in 2019 and is still functioning, I own my own electric car charging project. I will add that the code is not written beautifully, but it works, support me and the project will develop.

If you have any questions, write to me, I will try to help with the implementation https://www.instagram.com/gennadiy.gnezdilov/