
The SvelteKit source for dataonlygreater.com

Primary LanguageSvelteMIT LicenseMIT

Data Only Greater Website

This is the SvelteKit source code for dataonlygreater.com. It was developed from Josh Collinsworth's excellent SvelteKit static blog starter and uses the shadcn-svelte UI library for some of the components.


Clone or download this repo, then install the dependencies and run the dev server:

cd data-only-greater
npm install
npm run dev -- --open

That should get a dev server up and running (assuming you have npm and Node installed already). Any saved changes to components and styles should auto-refresh blazingly fast.


The build command (from package.json) is simply:

npm run build

Use npm run preview after a build to preview the built site locally.


Be sure to update src/lib/config.js to reflect your site's domain, preferences, etc. This is also where the nav menu can be updated.

It's very important to update this file with the specific details of your site. Info from this file is used in your RSS feed and SEO meta tags, so don't launch without updating it.

Adding new posts

Adding new posts is as simple as dropping a new .md file into src/lib/posts. New posts will automatically show up on the site, be added to the posts API, and any category pages.

A few demo Markdown posts are included, and highlight some of the features of this starter. These demo posts can be updated or removed, but it may be best to use one as a starting point, just for the frontmatter properties.

If you want to use other frontmatter properties in the template (or just modify the layout), make changes in src/routes/blog/post/[post]/+page.svelte.

⚠️ Note: posts should have a date and an excerpt defined in the frontmatter. They're sorted by date, and use excerpt in page meta tags (for SEO, social sharing, etc.) There are also other frontmatter properties used to enhance the site experience, like the coverWidth and coverHeight, which are used in the template to reserve space for the image, minimizing cumulative layout shift.

The starter will still work without date properties in your posts, but the sorting won't be right. Similarly, you can have posts without an excerpt, but your SEO/social previews will be sub-optimal.

Also: while there's no link to it by default, /blog/category exists as an archive of all your post categories.


Pagination automatically kicks in once you have more posts than the postsPerPage option in src/lib/config.js. This means you won't see the pagination right away unless you either change postsPerPage to a very low number, or add several more Markdown files to the src/lib/posts folder.

Note: both the normal /blog feed and the category feeds at /category/[category] are automatically paginated.


This starter also includes a basic RSS feed. It's very minimal, so you may want to tweak it depending on your XML feed needs, but it does work out of the box.

Update the config details in src/lib/config.js to get your site's unique info correct. (You could also pull this info in other places, or add to it, to keep things consistent, but that's up to you.)

Static files

Things that should just live in the site root of the finished site (like a robots.txt file, favicon, or maybe images) should go in the static folder. If you link to them, use the root path (e.g., /images/my.png, not ../static/images/my.png).

(Placeholder images credit Unsplash; photographer names are in the file names.)