
Not only a c++ wrapper for curl

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


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CXXUrl is base on libcurl, but it's not only an object-oriented C++ wrapper for cURL.

Now, CXXUrl is header-only!

By the way, if you want to known more about libcurl, you should go http://curl.haxx.se/


author: xiaozhuai - xiaozhuai7@gmail.com


First, clone with submodule

$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/xiaozhuai/cxxurl

If you already clone it, but without submodules, you can do this

$ cd /path/to/cxxurl
$ git submodule update --init --recursive

Now, build examples and tests with cmake

$ cd /path/to/cxxurl
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make

Run Example

Once you have build the project, you can run some examples.

$ ../example_server/start_server # Run a http server for examples, require php > 5.6
$ ./example_get


Just drop files in src/cxxurl to where you like!

Examples & Usages

You can find all example source in example dir.


See examples/example_get.cpp

That's all you need to perform a get request.

And you can parse body, we provide a json parser.

See examples/example_parse_json_body.cpp

Thank https://github.com/nlohmann/json, a modern json parser for c++.

You can simplely download a file just change the contentOutput to a ofstream instance.

See examples/example_download.cpp

And if you need header output, just set it

See examples/example_response_header.cpp

Of course, we also provide a parser

See examples/example_parse_response_header.cpp


Do a post request maybe something more than get request, but it's still easy

See examples/example_post.cpp

CXXUrl provide three form type, SimpleForm, MultipartForm and RawRequestBody.

  • SimpleForm ---- just key-values (application/x-www-form-urlencoded)
  • MultipartForm ---- key-values and files (multipart/form-data)
  • RawRequestBody ---- raw data of request body (raw request body)


See examples/example_get_https_enable.cpp

And you can disable ssl verify on a https website by .verifySSL(false)

See examples/example_get_https_disable.cpp

Set Headers

Headers usage look like post form

See examples/example_set_request_header.cpp

Some frequently used headers, such as userAgent and referer, you can simplely set by .userAgent(...), .referer(...)


Let's talk about cookies.

First, we need export cookies to a file when login some website, and then import it if we need visit it after.

See examples/example_cookie.cpp

Plain CURL Api

Yes, if you want to use plain CURL api, here CXXurl provide a method.

See examples/example_use_curl_option.cpp

This example is just the same with simple get example. The deference is use .curlOptionString(CURLOPT_URL, "http://xiaozhuai.github.io") to take place of .url("http://xiaozhuai.github.io")


This just a builder to simplify code. Yes, you can use CXXurl without builder, it's just fine.

See examples/example_without_request_builder.cpp

So, which one do you prefer?

At last

Thank cURL