
A simple pcb badge made with KiCAD 6.0.0

MIT LicenseMIT


A simple pcb which will light up the ECE text.

Software: KiCAD 6.0.0

Badge Dimensions: 6.7cm×5cm

Design based on CIT Kokrajhar logo

Components Required:

How to order the PCB

  • Goto JLCPCB and upload the Gerber Zip file.

  • PCB color: White

  • Silkscreen color: Black

  • Remove order number: Yes (Or there'll be a random number either on front or back ruining the badge aesthetics)

  • Leave the rest as default.

Ordering Components

Use any website to order the components like Hnhcart, ktron etc


  • Soldiering the battery holder and switch is fairly simple.

  • Now let's come to LED's. Soldier the LED's upside down. The glowing side should be facing down since it'll shine throgh the transparent ECE text. Keep in mind the polarity of LED and follow the polarity as shown in silkscreen.

  • Soldier the brooch pin at the top rectangle copper over the battery holder and you're done!!

Shitty Add-Ons

So what's a shitty add on?
It's a small PCB that connents to the main badge!! Check this for more info
There's slot for shitty add ons, so make any pcb design to add on it.

Final Product