Jitsi Admin – Conference Organizer Manage and control your video conferences with support for Jitsi Meet and LiveKit. Includes an optimized LiveKit frontend for enhanced efficiency and performance.
Pinned issues
- 4
Error during installation
#624 opened by deepakitkar - 2
Unable to change Date picker language
#625 opened by AlexMcTrees - 2
Logout Process OIDC
#612 opened by tomcatcw1980 - 1
Some fields are not translatable
#611 opened by infra-monkey - 4
Error 500
#616 opened by tomcatcw1980 - 2
Error with LDAP
#600 opened by Sandteufel - 2
installation without traefik
#563 opened by GerryCrooked - 10
Adding Servers with using the .env FIle
#545 opened by tP1812 - 6
the new nodejs websocket configuration
#500 opened by baby-leo - 17
mercure issue
#503 opened by rutujasm - 2
National characters in room names
#424 opened by supczinskib - 1
Auto-load the address book using Keycloak
#534 opened by vishdeveloper - 1
Block Admin panel to user of Keycloak
#594 opened by EzechielBrou - 4
- 1
- 8
JitsiMeetExternalAPI is not defined
#547 opened by baby-leo - 4
Issue with Websocket
#549 opened by timowevel1 - 14
invalid parameter: invalid_uri
#507 opened by gpahlevanzadeh - 2
- 2
Use generic OpenID
#546 opened by soymgomez - 0
Create a group of users or fetch groups from keycloak to schedule invite
#535 opened by vishdeveloper - 27
websocket issue
#519 opened by ReshmaJaiswal - 5
- 2
wrong time, timezone and duration?
#521 opened by germebl - 8
#510 opened by ReshmaJaiswal - 4
iCal Meeting Entries (Event) have a random UniqueIdentifier and therefore "flicker" in Calendar Apps
#517 opened by tha80 - 14
hardcoding server value
#520 opened by ReshmaJaiswal - 1
facing problem in enabling jwt
#531 opened by ReshmaJaiswal - 20
- 2
- 0
Agenda hat Einrückung nach einer Liste
#522 opened by holema - 6
Recording problem
#444 opened by supczinskib - 4
Participants from outside organization have to log in when they join conference from invitation link
#514 opened by rfkarpinski - 1
- 18
another authentication
#505 opened by gpahlevanzadeh - 1
grafana and conflict port
#504 opened by gpahlevanzadeh - 1
8080 and stats of jitsi
#506 opened by gpahlevanzadeh - 5
How to I uninstall
#502 opened by gpahlevanzadeh - 13
facing problem while installing
#496 opened by 297297sid - 8
- 7
Helm chart?
#464 opened by DopeforHope - 10
Docker Images on public repo like DockerHub?
#465 opened by DopeforHope - 8
- 3
- 2
- 14
default jitsi server configuration
#456 opened by baby-leo - 2
Option menu can't expand all entries
#455 opened by gibimani - 7
Docker install error
#442 opened by dbakushkin - 1
- 9
Get 500 error after login
#431 opened by hiteshsaini33