
Customization of the user interface

supczinskib opened this issue · 10 comments

Can you post some sample theme files. I would like to see what are the possibilities of personalizing the application in the commercial version.

Hello @supczinskib,

You can have a look at app.meetling.de/join
There we have a sample theme implemented.

If you login to https://app.meetling.de Then you can see the theme and what is possible.

You can write me on entwicklung@h2-invent.com so I can explain you more about the theming.
In the Theme you can define besides each env-variable all colors and all logos and icons in the top bar.

Thank you. This information is enough for me. I have one more question. What needs to be done for the screen sharing lock feature to work. Even though I set: enableFeaturesBasedOnToken: true in Jitsi Meet, anyone can share their screen. However, in Jitsi Admin, like on the demo server, there is no option to disable this feature in the menu for individual users. I have the input_settings_dissallow_screenshare variable set to 1. JWT is enabled and works fine. Jitsi Meet recognizes who is a participant and who is a moderator of the conference. I tested on version 0.74.1


The function has to be activated in the server settings. This only has to be done once.

Then when a moderator creates a conference then he can select if there is a restriction on screenshare

Now you can set the permission to each user

Thanks for the clarification. For some reason I don't have this option in the menu at all. Do you have any suggestions where to look for the problem.

mysql> select feature_enable_by_jwt, jwt_moderator_position from server;
| feature_enable_by_jwt | jwt_moderator_position |
| 1 | 0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


Update: I did a clean install and still the same.

Update2: This element is also missing in version 0.75.0-RC14.

Thanks @supczinskib,

I will have a look. It should be there. I will double check it

Hello @supczinskib,
I found the bug and fixed it in a hotfix. When the PR is approved, I will make a new version with this fix.


If you want, you can checkout this branch for 0.74.x
It would be great if you can check the fix.

I already checked. Everything works correctly. When JWT is disabled, there no option in the menu. When enabled, the option is visible. The feature itself in Jitsi Meet works fine. Thank you again.