
A Dot Following Mouse Cursor / Components Hovering Effect


A Dot Following Mouse Cursor / Components Hovering Effect.



How to use

1. Clone or Download the files in the Demo.

2. Include the cursor div in the body (HTML).

And specify the color and size of the cursor.

<div class="cursor" color="#a29bfe" size="5px"></div>

3. Include the stylesheet and script from the demo in your HTML code.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="your_some_path/cursorEffect.css">

<script src="your_some_path/cursorEffect.js"></script>

4. Use the following cursorEffect() in your HTML or JS.

What can be adjusted is the color, size, thickness, and font size of the text when hovering.


    // cursorEffect(componentClassName, hoverText, hoverColor, hoverSize, hoverThickness, fontSize)


    cursorEffect('demoDiv2', 'Hello !', '#ffeaa7', '6em', '4px', '1.5rem');

    cursorEffect('demoDiv3', '❤', 'pink', '0', '2.5px', '3rem');

    cursorEffect('someButton', 'Click', 'lightcoral', '3em');
