
:clipboard: A command line note taking app so simple that even your granny will love it!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is my experiment and learning process for Python, github, etc. Sorry!

GitHub license Supported python versions Requirements Status Join the chat at https://gitter.im/prodicus/tnote


A dead simple command line note taking app built for me!


Watch a live demo of it working here


Here's the link to previous version if you are interested!


  • Dead simple to use: Even your granny would be able to use it. No seriously!
  • Feature rich Add your precious note with it's title , content , tags
  • Secure: Encrypts your database using standard AES-256 in CBC mode. So even if anybody gets hand of your database file. He cannot make any sense of it. A little demo of what I am doing using it

NOTE This feature is available/tested only on linux based systems. Support for other OS's coming soon!

  • Text Highlighting is cross platform - Supports Linux, Windows, MAC for the terminal based highlighting.
  • Searching for notes is hassle free in tnote: It supports full text search for notes based on content, tags
    • The search query if found in the database will be highlighted if found. Looks pleasing to the eyes
  • Ability to add and remove tags for each note.
  • Adds timestamp for each note which has been added.
  • Written in uncomplicated python.

Need I say more?


$ git clone https://github.com/prodicus/tnote
$ cd tnote && pip install -r requirements.txt


On linux system, install libsqlcipher-dev

$ sudo apt-get install libsqlcipher-dev

On Mac OS systems, you can install it by

$ brew install sqlcipher

Fire it up! 🌋

$ ./tnote.py

Operating system support

OS Support status
Linux ✅ Full support
OS X ✅ Full support
Windows ☑️ encrytion of the Database for windows not yet supported


This app was created in a timespan of 2 hours while learning to use peewee (ORM). So don't be shy to make some PR's here 😄


  • Add unit tests. Like real quick!
  • Encrypt the .db file using Sqlcipher
  • Add better UI using urwid


A big shout out to all the contributers, more specifically to these guys


Why not!


You can report the bugs at the issue tracker


You can tweet me if you can't get it to work. In fact, you should tweet me anyway.


Built with ♥ and after a lot of pizzas by Tasdik Rahman under MIT License

You can find a copy of the License at http://prodicus.mit-license.org/