Build: ===== Using Eclipse, import project. Run Tests. Export to JAR files with Main class in maniphest. Usage: ====== Can be run from the command line java -jar VendingMachine.jar Assumptions: ============ We assume we want to provide the change in a minimum coins possible. The machine coins are picked up if there is an excess or refilled everyday with the coins that are most missing to be able to provide change. Similarly the products are refilled or refreshed everyday. We're making sure the inserted coins are acceptable by asking the number of coins of each type. We keep the change in the machine, but update the amount of each coins after each transaction. We don't want to be short of change in order to fulfill a maximum of transactions. Limitations: ============ This is a simulation of a simple machine, one order at a time, not a cart and a balance actualised after each order. The catalogue, inventory and change float is hard coded. They could be loaded with configuration files. We're not using any logging. Our team goal is to track change within vending machine.