
Bash script to extract data from an Android device

Primary LanguageShell

Android Triage

Bash script to extract data from an Android device

Developed and tested on Mac OS X Mojave (10.14.6), but works also on Linux

Mandatory Requirements

How to use it

  • Activate ADB on the Android Device
  • Connect and pair the Android Device and the host
  • Make the script executable (chmod +x android_triage.sh)
  • Execute the script and follow the instructions

See also the original blog post here


Version 1.0 [30/3/2021]

First release

Version 1.1 [30/3/2021]

  • Added "-keyvalue" in the ADB backup commant (Thanks Yogesh Khatri - @SwiftForensics)
  • Added option 10 to dump file system folders and files not requiring root privileges
  • Minor fixes

Version 1.2 [3/4/2021]

Version 1.3 [6/9/2021]

  • Added "dumpsys notification --noredact" to extract notification text
  • Added "dumpsys dbinfo -v"
  • Added "dumpsys bluetooth_manager | grep 'BOOT_COMPLETED|AIRPLANE'" to extract boot and airplane mode information
  • Changed "dumpsys meminfo -a" with "dumpsys -t 60 meminfo -a"
  • Minor fixes

Version 1.4 [11/2/2022]

  • Added full "/data/app" acquisition (not only APKs, but also libs and other files)
  • Add "-obb" option to the ADB Backup command
  • Added "References" section
  • Added "Special thanks" section
  • Minor fixes

List of executed commands

Option 1 - Collect basic information

  • adb shell getprop
  • adb shell settings list system
  • adb shell settings list secure
  • adb shell settings list global
  • adb shell getprop ro.product.model
  • adb shell getprop ro.product.manufacturer
  • adb shell settings get global airplane_mode_on
  • adb shell getprop ro.serialno
  • adb shell getprop ro.build.fingerprint
  • adb shell getprop ro.build.version.release
  • adb shell getprop ro.build.date
  • adb shell getprop ro.build.id
  • adb shell getprop ro.boot.bootloader
  • adb shell getprop ro.build.version.security_patch
  • adb shell settings get secure bluetooth_address
  • adb shell settings get secure bluetooth_name
  • adb shell getprop persist.sys.timezone
  • adb shell getprop ro.product.manufacturer
  • adb shell getprop ro.product.device
  • adb shell getprop ro.product.name
  • adb shell getprop ro.product.code
  • adb shell getprop ro.chipname
  • adb shell getprop ril.serialnumber
  • adb shell getprop gsm.version.baseband
  • adb shell getprop ro.csc.country_code
  • adb shell getprop persist.sys.usb.config
  • adb shell getprop storage.mmc.size
  • adb shell getprop ro.config.notification_sound
  • adb shell getprop ro.config.alarm_alert
  • adb shell getprop ro.config.ringtone
  • adb shell getprop rro.config.media_sound
  • adb shell date
  • adb shell getprop ro.crypto.state
  • adb shell uptime -s
  • adb shell getprop ro.crypto.type
  • adb shell dumpsys iphonesubinfo
  • adb shell service call iphonesubinfo
  • adb shell id
  • adb shell su -c id

Option 2 - Execute live commands

  • adb shell id
  • adb shell uname -a
  • adb shell cat /proc/version
  • adb shell uptime
  • adb shell printenv
  • adb shell cat /proc/partitions
  • adb shell cat /proc/cpuinfo
  • adb shell cat /proc/diskstats
  • adb shell df
  • adb shell df -ah
  • adb shell mount
  • adb shell ip address show wlan0
  • adb shell ifconfig -a
  • adb shell netstat -an
  • adb shell lsof
  • adb shell ps -ef
  • adb shell top -n 1
  • adb shell cat /proc/sched_debug
  • adb shell vmstat
  • adb shell sysctl -a
  • adb shell ime list
  • adb shell service list
  • adb shell logcat -S -b all
  • adb shell logcat -d -b all V:*

Option 3 - Execute package manager commands

  • adb shell pm get-max-users
  • adb shell pm list users
  • adb shell pm list features
  • adb shell pm list instrumentation
  • adb shell pm list libraries -f
  • adb shell pm list packages -f
  • adb shell pm list packages -f -u
  • adb shell pm list permissions -f
  • adb shell cat /data/system/uiderrors.txt

Option 4 - Execute bugreport,dumpsys,appops

  • adb shell bugreport
  • adb shell dumpsys
  • adb shell dumpsys account
  • adb shell dumpsys activity
  • adb shell dumpsys alarm
  • adb shell dumpsys appops
  • adb shell dumpsys audio
  • adb shell dumpsys autofill
  • adb shell dumpsys backup
  • adb shell dumpsys battery
  • adb shell dumpsys batteryproperties
  • adb shell dumpsys batterystats
  • adb shell dumpsys bluetooth_manager
  • adb shell dumpsys bluetooth_manager | grep 'BOOT_COMPLETED|AIRPLANE'
  • adb shell dumpsys carrier_config
  • adb shell dumpsys clipboard
  • adb shell dumpsys connectivity
  • adb shell dumpsys content
  • adb shell dumpsys cpuinfo
  • adb shell dumpsys dbinfo
  • adb shell dumpsys dbinfo -v
  • adb shell dumpsys device_policy
  • adb shell dumpsys devicestoragemonitor
  • adb shell dumpsys diskstats
  • adb shell dumpsys display
  • adb shell dumpsys dropbox
  • adb shell dumpsys gfxinfo
  • adb shell dumpsys iphonesubinfo
  • adb shell dumpsys jobscheduler
  • adb shell dumpsys location
  • adb shell dumpsys meminfo -t 60 -a
  • adb shell dumpsys mount
  • adb shell dumpsys netpolicy
  • adb shell dumpsys netstats
  • adb shell dumpsys network_management
  • adb shell dumpsys network_score
  • adb shell dumpsys notification
  • adb shell dumpsys notification --noredact
  • adb shell dumpsys package
  • adb shell dumpsys password_policy
  • adb shell dumpsys permission
  • adb shell dumpsys phone
  • adb shell dumpsys power
  • adb shell dumpsys procstats --full-details
  • adb shell dumpsys restriction_policy
  • adb shell dumpsys sdhms
  • adb shell dumpsys sec_location
  • adb shell dumpsys secims
  • adb shell dumpsys search
  • adb shell dumpsys sensorservice
  • adb shell dumpsys settings
  • adb shell dumpsys shortcut
  • adb shell dumpsys stats
  • adb shell dumpsys statusbar
  • adb shell dumpsys storaged
  • adb shell dumpsys telecom
  • adb shell dumpsys usagestats
  • adb shell dumpsys user
  • adb shell dumpsys usb
  • adb shell dumpsys vibrator
  • adb shell dumpsys voip
  • adb shell dumpsys wallpaper
  • adb shell dumpsys wifi
  • adb shell dumpsys window
  • adb shell appops get $pkg

Option 5 - Acquire an ADB Backup

  • adb backup -all -shared -system -keyvalue -apk -obb -f backup.ab

Option 6 - Acquire /system folder

  • adb pull /system/
  • adb pull /system/apex
  • adb pull /system/app
  • adb pull /system/bin
  • adb pull /system/cameradata
  • adb pull /system/container
  • adb pull /system/etc
  • adb pull /system/fake-libs
  • adb pull /system/fonts
  • adb pull /system/framework
  • adb pull /system/hidden
  • adb pull /system/lib
  • adb pull /system/lib64
  • adb pull /system/media
  • adb pull /system/priv-app
  • adb pull /system/saiv
  • adb pull /system/tts
  • adb pull /system/usr
  • adb pull /system/vendor
  • adb pull /system/xbin

Option 7 - Acquire /sdcard folder

  • adb pull /sdcard

Option 8 - Acquire /data/app folder

  • adb pull /data/app/${app_path}/

Option 9 - Extract data from content providers

  • adb shell dumpsys package providers
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.calendar/calendar_entities
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.calendar/calendars
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.calendar/attendees
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.calendar/event_entities
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.calendar/events
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.calendar/properties
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.calendar/reminders
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.calendar/calendar_alerts
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.calendar/colors
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.calendar/extendedproperties
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.calendar/syncstate
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.contacts/raw_contacts
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.contacts/directories
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.contacts/syncstate
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.contacts/profile/syncstate
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.contacts/contacts
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.contacts/profile/raw_contacts
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.contacts/profile
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.contacts/profile/as_vcard
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.contacts/stream_items
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.contacts/stream_items/photo
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.contacts/stream_items_limit
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.contacts/data
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.contacts/raw_contact_entities
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.contacts/profile/raw_contact_entities
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.contacts/status_updates
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.contacts/data/phones
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.contacts/data/phones/filter
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.contacts/data/emails/lookup
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.contacts/data/emails/filter
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.contacts/data/emails
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.contacts/data/postals
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.contacts/groups
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.contacts/groups_summary
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.contacts/aggregation_exceptions
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.contacts/settings
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.contacts/provider_status
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.contacts/photo_dimensions
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.contacts/deleted_contacts
  • adb shell content query --uri content://downloads/my_downloads
  • adb shell content query --uri content://downloads/download
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/external/file
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/external/images/media
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/external/images/thumbnails
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/external/audio/media
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/external/audio/genres
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/external/audio/playlists
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/external/audio/artists
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/external/audio/albums
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/external/video/media
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/external/video/thumbnails
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/internal/file
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/internal/images/media
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/internal/images/thumbnails
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/internal/audio/media
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/internal/audio/genres
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/internal/audio/playlists
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/internal/audio/artists
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/internal/audio/albums
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/internal/video/media
  • adb shell content query --uri content://media/internal/video/thumbnails
  • adb shell content query --uri content://settings/system
  • adb shell content query --uri content://settings/system/ringtone
  • adb shell content query --uri content://settings/system/alarm_alert
  • adb shell content query --uri content://settings/system/notification_sound
  • adb shell content query --uri content://settings/secure
  • adb shell content query --uri content://settings/global
  • adb shell content query --uri content://settings/bookmarks
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.google.settings/partner
  • adb shell content query --uri content://nwkinfo/nwkinfo/carriers
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.settings.personalvibration.PersonalVibrationProvider/
  • adb shell content query --uri content://settings/system/bluetooth_devices
  • adb shell content query --uri content://settings/system/powersavings_appsettings
  • adb shell content query --uri content://user_dictionary/words
  • adb shell content query --uri content://browser/bookmarks
  • adb shell content query --uri content://browser/searches
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.browser
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.browser/accounts
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.browser/accounts/account_name
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.browser/accounts/account_type
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.browser/accounts/sourceid
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.browser/settings
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.browser/syncstate
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.browser/images
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.browser/image_mappings
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.browser/bookmarks
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.browser/bookmarks/folder
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.browser/history
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.browser/bookmarks/search_suggest_query
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.browser/searches
  • adb shell content query --uri content://com.android.browser/combined

Option 10 - Extract system dump (no root)

  • Option 6 + Option 7 + Option 8