
Want to sell you're products, with a safe and neat system, but don't want to purchase a website and setup a database? Look no further, this is as simple as it can get. Nice simple config for all users!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ProductBot [OLD]

Simple, nice and neat product bot for selling items without a website - for free! https://discord.gg/43akmun7Qd

Simple Setup

  1. Download
  2. Open Folders and locate 'install.bat'
  3. Await for it to finish.
  4. Locate config.json
  5. Edit it to you're liking
  6. Run the start.bat
  7. DONE!

Config Help

Main Config.

botPrefix - The custom prefix for your bot.

botToken - The bot token, this can be found on Discords Developer Portal

botStatus - The custom status for your bot.

botPresence - The custom presence for your bot. (WATCHING/LISTENTING/PLAYING).

Server Config.

guild_id - The guild ID.

server_icon - The URL to your servers icon.

server_name - The servers name.

copyright - Custom Copyright

embed_colours - The colour you want your embeds to be.

products_for_sale: ["List as many products as you want"]

Order Config.

order_channel_id - The ID of the channel where people place orders

order_response_channel - The ID of the channel where order responses go.

Command Centre.

in_progress_channel_notifications - True/false (Does what it states)

progress_update_channel - The ID of the channel where updates go

in_progress_dm_notifications - True/false (Does what it states)

commission_status - Open/closed - States if the commissions are open.

allowed_to_complete - The ID of the role that is allowed to complete orders.

allowed_to_in_progress - The ID of the role that is allowed to run the progress command.

Information and Credits: