
My resume in LaTeX format

Primary LanguageTeX

My Resume in LaTeX

This needs BasicTex on MacOS, and also needs a build tool called ninja so make sure these are installed.

And for your changes to be reflected on PDF output as in when you change .tex file(Hot reload!).

ls *.tex | entr ninja

The entr command watches for changes in any .tex file in this directory and triggers a ninja build when it finds any. The ninja build produces a file named resume.pdf

And for the first time the build may fail, because resume.tex file depends on some packages. Use below command when build fails with couldn't find somepackage.sty. Not sure why it need sudo though!(Didn't spend anytime investigating)

sudo tlmgr install sompackage
Here is the generated output (PDF converted to JPEG for display purpose)
Generated PDF exported as JPEG