This is a simple AES Encryption Console Project written in C#. It allows you to encrypt and decrypt sensitive data using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm.
This AES Encryption Console Project is designed to provide a simple and secure way to encrypt and decrypt sensitive data in C#. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm is widely used and provides a high level of security for data protection.
- Encrypt sensitive data using AES algorithm
- Decrypt previously encrypted data
- Secure generation and management of encryption keys
- User-friendly interface with options to encrypt and decrypt data
Clone the repository:
git clone
After this, go to the destination folder:
cd AES-Encrypton
To encrypt data, follow these steps:
Open a terminal or command prompt.
Navigate to the project directory.
Run the encryption command:
dotnet run --project AES-Encryptor -- --encrypt
Enter the data you want to encrypt when prompted.
The encrypted data and the encryption key will be displayed.
To decrypt data, follow these steps:
Open a terminal or command prompt.
Navigate to the project directory.
Run the decryption command:
dotnet run --project AES-Encryptor -- --decrypt
Enter the encrypted data and encryption key when prompted.
The decrypted data will be displayed.
After encrypting or decrypting data, the program saves the encryption details to a text file named keys.txt
. If the file already exists, it appends the new details to the existing file. Each entry in the file includes the following information:
- Method Used: Whether encryption or decryption was performed
- Computer Name: The name of the computer where the operation was performed
- Original Text: The text that was encrypted or decrypted
- Encrypted Data: The encrypted data (only for encryption)
- Key: The encryption key used
- IV: The initialization vector used
- Date of Operation: The date and time when the operation was performed
To view the encryption details saved in the keys.txt
file, you can open the file using any text editor. Each entry is separated by two blank lines for better readability.
Method Used: Encryption
Computer Name: MyComputer
Original Text: Hello, world!
Encrypted Data: 9w2tR/Kazf1FYfNd7C6qGw==
Key: p2/BZP4vahJ3SAljRQbM9Q==
IV: ZOa+HcSHnE3pZzR7c+oX5A==
Date of Operation: 2024-03-01 15:30:45
Method Used: Decryption
Computer Name: MyComputer
Original Text: Hello, world!
Key: p2/BZP4vahJ3SAljRQbM9Q==
IV: ZOa+HcSHnE3pZzR7c+oX5A==
Date of Operation: 2024-03-01 15:32:10
Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have ideas for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute the code as permitted by the terms of the MIT License.
- [2024-02-28]: Implemented user input options for encrypting and decrypting data, added logging functionality to save encryption details to a text file, and updated with the latest changes.