User can sign up by providing email, password and a unique username. Already signed in user can login using the username and password.
Authenticated user is able to create new listing by providing picture (optional), Name, starting price, Category(optional) and description.
Main page is an Active listing page, which displays the listing's names, descriptions, Image if any and current highest bids to the authenticated and unauthenticated users.
Listing page displays entry name, description, category, comments, Image if any and current highest bid to the unauthenticated user. While authenticated users can also add comment and bid on the product (new bid must be higher then previous bid) furthermore authenticated user can add the listing to there watchlist or the like list (if the product is already present in the watchlist then the user can remove it from the watchlist)
The creator of the listing will have an additional option and that would be to close the biding. Incase of closure the listing would not appear on Active listing page and the highest bidder would be considered as the winner of the auction and listing would then be added to his/her Auction won page.
There are multiple ways to search for a listing, user can manually search by scrolling the Active listing page or user can search according to the specific category. Lastly user can also search using the search bar readily present at the top of the page. Even if the user search query is not accurate, the listing with similar titles would be displayed. For example if the user types leg then the listing with title Lego would be displayed.
The site has a custom build database according to the requirments, using SQL