A series of 3 programs that will automatically receive scripts from Reddit, allow the user to edit them, then be sent off to a video generator where they will be uploaded to YouTube automatically.
- auguwu@Noelware
- AwSkiesMcGill University Physics & CompSci Student
- brokeharvard
- calvinti12
- crrapi@Google
- danielgwilson@LegionHealth
- datomnurdin@DeepAGI
- davidcralph@mue, @vocauk
- dfury0
- ElianCordoba
- funbar@Beg-in
- geektechniquestudiosAtlanta
- gsiyan
- icaveha
- IngeniousArtist@Color-DAO
- IReallyHateSoftware
- jaykputen
- justiriserTrivandrum, Kerala, India
- KevinLage
- kznmft
- likethisinstead
- lism
- lne-ioMorocco
- lyricalpaws° ☾ ☆ ¸. ¸ ★ :. . • ○ ° ★
- mohammedgomaa
- OnurrrThe Netherlands
- overengineerSiemens
- qsolhk
- redditedits1
- ShrayBansLos Angeles
- stratosphere55
- TU-Nimrod
- usoppu
- VLI13
- Xylot
- yhdesai@ShiprDev