Project is very much WIP so many planned features, documentation, and example projects are missing.
Currently, the kernel is hardcoded to work with Pulp Platform's Cheshire SoC running on a Genesys2 FPGA.
FPGA images of Cheshire for the Genesys2 is available under fpga/
The example project hello should be runnable on CVA6.
To compile the project, you should install the riscv-gnu-toolchain.
The toolchain binaries should have the prefix riscv64-unknown-elf-
# Install necessary dependencies for your system (see
# Clone toolchain
git clone
cd riscv-gnu-toolchain
# Configure build script (prefix = where to install)
./configure --enable-multilib --prefix=$HOME/.opt/riscv --with-cmodel=medany
# Build toolchain
# Add $HOME/.opt/riscv/bin to the PATH variable in .bashrc
Then you can clone this repository and compile the hello project.
git clone
# Build project
cd ../openmcz/projects/hello
To run the hello porject on PULP's CVA6 on Genesys2:
# We have an openocd config file in this repository under openocd/cva6.cfg
openocd -f openocd/cva6.cfg
# In another terminal window, start RISC-V GDB.
# Load the hex file (merged.hex = kernel.hex + applications.hex), and start the program.
(gdb) target extended-remote :3333
(gdb) load openmcz/projects/hello/build/merged.hex
(gdb) continue
OpenMCZ is a simple separation kernel for RISC-V. OpenMCZ (open multicore zones) is a version of OpenMZ (to be) adapted for multicore processors. Adaptations include flexible and more powerfil inter-zone communication, and yield system calls that respect zone isolation when running on multiple cores.
Zones are isolated system partitions that are protected using RISC-V's PMP mechanisms. Zones can communicate with each other using explicitly defined communications channels. This includes shared memory and the kernel's IPC mechanism.
Planned feature. Each zone should have of one thread per processor core. These threads have independent memory protection and IPC configuration. Processes within a zone runs simultanously. Processes of separate zones are isolated (unless explicitly allowed to communicate) and do run simultanously.
- Interrupt/PLIC handling.
- User Timer emulation.