
Primary LanguageC

Static capability system

Work in progress mockup of static capability system where capabilities are stored in predetermined locations.

In this system, each root capability is placed in index 0 of an array of capabilities. When a new capability is derived from the root, it is placed in this same array. Each capability has a fuel that indicates how many capabilities that can be derived from it. The fuel of a new capability also determines where it is placed in the array, i.e., capability indices are automatic and deterministic. This system ensures that we have a finite number of derived capabilities, ensuring an upper-bound on capability revocation.

We have the following features:

  • Each capability has a fixed number of children.
  • Capability revocation is a simple for-loop (speed).
  • Indicies of derived capabilities are automatic and deterministic.
  • Capability access and operations do not leak side-channel information.