This antenna is designed for RFID tags. This meander line structure is used in the design to achive the low return loss.

UHF RFID Tag Wideband Dipole Antenna

This project presents the design and implementation of a UHF RFID Tag wideband dipole antenna, integrated with an Impinj Monza electronic chip. The antenna is designed to operate within the UHF RFID frequency range of 865 MHz to 1.10 GHz, while achieving excellent performance in terms of gain, reflection coefficient (S11), and impedance matching.


  • Frequency Range: 865 MHz to 1.10 GHz
  • Chip Impedance:
    • Real: 28 Ω
    • Imaginary: -148 Ω
  • Antenna Structure: Wideband dipole antenna on an FR4 substrate
  • Substrate Parameters:
    • Loss Tangent (tan 𝜹): 0.025
    • Dielectric Constant (𝜀r): 4.3
    • Substrate Height: 1.6mm


  • Gain: 2.22 dB
  • Reflection Coefficient (S11): Good
  • Impedance Matching: Well-matched to Impinj Monza chip's impedance

Simulation Results

The simulation results demonstrate the antenna's high performance in terms of gain, reflection coefficient (S11), and impedance matching. The wideband dipole design on the FR4 substrate ensures optimal operation within the UHF RFID frequency range.

How to Use

To use this antenna design, you can follow these steps:

  1. Clone or download this repository.
  2. Access the antenna design files in the designated directory.
  3. Fabricate the dipole antenna on an FR4 substrate using the specified parameters.
  4. Integrate the Impinj Monza electronic chip with the antenna as per the given impedance values.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


We would like to acknowledge the support and contributions of the team members in developing this UHF RFID Tag wideband dipole antenna. Special thanks to [mention any specific contributors or institutions].

Feel free to explore the code, simulation data, and design files in this repository. For any questions or inquiries, please contact [your contact information or email]. Happy RFID antenna designing!