
way to Clearance the vim-adventures.com @site http://vim-adventures.com/

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vim-adventures 通关攻略--其实我不知道自己能否通关


####简明 Vim 练级攻略 via coolshell

###再来张图镇楼! 经典vim-cheat-sheet !! ####image

way to Clearance the vim-adventures.com @site http://vim-adventures.com/

####TEST IMG BY GITHUB ##image



###level 1 start ★☆☆☆☆ it is just for practicing the 'h' 'j' 'k' 'l' keys . Follow me and read cloudly : 'left' 'down' 'up' 'right' ,they are not 'hjkl' in the vim normal pattern .

##image nothing could stop u in this level and forget the box what is unopened ,u will open it some levels later . ###level 1 end

###level 2 start ★☆☆☆☆ it is just for practicing the 'w-word next' 'e-word end' 'b-word prev' keys ! u need collect all the key words for the features to use ! just follow the tips given by the NPC. Do not forget get all the keys to open boxes in the bottom right cornerl. ##pic here ##image ###level 2 end

###level 3 start ★☆☆☆☆ this level is the last free level ! enjoy it ! u will get the 'B-shift+b' and 'x-delete char' in this level . get them and get the key for level 1 ,then go to level and just 'shitf+b' to open the box which is left before . open it and move in dark . Hahaa.

##pic here ##image ###level 3 end passed ###level 4 start ★★☆☆☆ the first part u will get 'E' AND 'W' for the end of nex word and the start of next word!then u will get 'r' which means replace one char ! the u can correct all the wrong spells and then u have pass level 4 . so easy is not it ? ##image ###level 4 end

###level 5 start ★★☆☆☆ in the first part u will get the 'd' for delete chars or line ! it is strongger than x ! u can u next with 'd',ok ready to go ! 'de' 'db' 'dw' 'dE' 'dW' 'dB' 'dj' 'dk' etc. is all do sth. go next ! hahaha ! ##image ###level 5 end

###level 6 start ★★★☆☆ ##image ###level 6 end

###level 7 start ★★★☆☆

###level 7 end

###level 8 start ★★★☆☆

###level 8 end

###level 9 start ★★★★☆

###level 9 end

###level 10 start ★★★★☆

###level 10 end

###level 11 start ★★★★☆

###level 11 end

###level 12 start ★★★★★

###level 12 end

###level 13 start ★★★★★

###level 13 end

###level 14 start ★★★★★

###level 14 end

我不知道有多少关... 貌似通关不了... 哈哈哈...