CSCI499 - Warble

Aya Shimizu (

Set up Folder

Create a new directory for project

$ mkdir ashimizu_warble

Go into directory

$ cd ashimizu_warble

Get project from Github

$ git clone

Set up VM

First download vagrant using this link

Download Vagrant

Then initialize the VM in terminal using this command

$ vagrant init hashicorp-vagrant/ubuntu-16.04

Open the Vagrantfile

- Verfiy this line is there = "hashicorp-vagrant/ubuntu-16.04"

- Create Shared Folder

Uncomment config.vm.synced_folder in Vagrantfile
Add /vagrant_data as shared folder name
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant_data"

Install box

$ vagrant box add hashicorp-vagrant/ubuntu-16.04

Boot up Vagrant

$ vagrant up

SSH into Vagrant

$ vagrant ssh

Add Configurations

Run the following commands to install make

$ sudo apt-get -y update
$ sudo apt-get -y install build-essential autoconf libtool pkg-config
$ curl -SL | tar -xJC .
$ sudo apt-get -y install make

Run the following commands to install GRPC

$ git clone -b $(curl -L
$ cd grpc
$ git submodule update --init
$ make && sudo make install
$ cd third_party/protobuf
$ make && sudo make install

cd out of grpc directory

Install gflags

$ sudo apt-get -y install libgflags-dev

Install gtest

$ sudo apt-get -y install libgoogle-glog-dev

Install gtest

$ sudo apt-get -y install libgtest-dev

Other Installation

$ sudo apt-get install cmake
$ cd /usr/src/gtest
$ sudo cmake CMakeLists.txt
$ sudo make sudo $ cp *.a /usr/lib

### Get into shared folder directory ------ ###### Make sure you're still SSHed into vagrant still ```$ cd ```
```$ cd /vagrant_data/ashimizu_warble/warble/kvstore```

### Run Project ------ ##### Compile Project ```$ make``` ###### 3 terminal windows need to be open to run warble ###### Run vagrant up and vagrant ssh and cd into the above directory for each terminal window ##### Run Key Value Store Server ```$ ./kvstore_server``` ##### Run Func Server ```$ ./func_server```
### Warble Commands ------ ###### *Main quits after every command is run* ##### Hook functions ###### This must be run first before any warble commands are run ```$ ./main -hook```
Unhook functions
This unhooks all warble functions at any time and other commands can't be run

$ ./main -unhook

Create New User
After user is registered, other commands are run with -user

$ ./main -registeruser <username>

Write New Warble
Text must be "quotation marks"

$ ./main -user <username> -warble "<text>"

Write New Warble Reply
Text must be "quotation marks"
Id is just entered as a number

$ ./main -user <username> -warble "<text>" -reply <id>

Read Warble

$ ./main -user <username> -read <id>

Follow Another User
Username after follow is person you want to follow

$ ./main -user <username> -follow <username>

View User Profile

Profile displays who the user is following and their followers

$ ./main -user <username> -profile

Run Tests

Run Key Value Store Test

$ ./kvstore_db_test

Run Warble Code Test

$ ./warble_test