Proof Of Membership of Developer DAO


The zkGraph searches the events in the block for any Transfer Event for D4R NFT or CODE Token; therefore, they can prove that they were member at this block and return the user's address. It can mainly be used if the wallet is compromised and drained of all the funds, NFTs, and Tokens. The member can prove it as the address from which the tokens are transferred is in the state payload, not the recipient.


Task Id - 6595a21681365a3b5540f8a3

IPFS Hash - QmS3AVNMsjr2kmuV2WKpMvtmMWb2YvQgdWhCaANVVX1uR5

Transaction Hash - 0x76a38c0a9e4cfd622d305b831315f25ba5592461abc6a01b62bfe4984f131f82

Usage CLI

Note: Only full image will be processed by zkOracle node. local (generated by commands ending with --local option) means the zkGraph is compiled locally and only contains partial computation (so that proving and executing will be faster).

The workflow of local zkGraph development must follow: Develop (code in /src) -> Compile (get compiled wasm image) -> Execute (get expected output) -> Prove (generate input and pre-test for actual proving in zkOracle) -> Verify (verify proof on-chain).

To upload and publish your zkGraph, you should Upload (upload code to IPFS), and then Publish (register zkGraph on onchain zkGraph Registry).

Commonly used commands

  • compile: npx zkgraph compile
  • exec: npx zkgraph exec <block id>
  • prove: npx zkgraph prove <block id> <expected state> -i|-t|-p
  • ……

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